Monkeys See and Monkeys do!

Snehal Shah
5 min readJan 15, 2022

Tomorrow is a weekday. I was trying to hurry to get the kids to sleep. As usual, they were in no mood to sleep. Jumping around in the bed, pulling on each other’s hair then wailing for a minute, and then back to giggling.

The last resort to the rescue. Storytime! “Ok, who wants to hear a story?”

They looked at each other, then came and snuggled beside me at their respective sides.

“Once upon a time there was a king called Akbar,” was received with a big protest of NO!

“Cap! Cap!!”

“We have heard that story a million times. I will tell you a different story today.”

“Cap! Cap!!”, the protesters were very firm with their demand and finally, I bowed to it.

“Ok. Ok! There was a cap-seller. He had lots of caps, like the ones Saanvi and Pratham has. Summer hats, winter caps, and so many others. He would put all the caps in a bag and go from village to village to sell those caps. Once he was going from one village to other. There was a forest on his way. The cap-seller had been walking for a long time and felt very tired, so he decided to take some rest. Like Saanvi is feeling sleepy. Saanvi is feeling sleepy, right? Right Saanvi?”


“He kept the bag full of caps beside him and lay down below the tree and soon was fast asleep. After some time, he woke up, picked up his ,bag and started walking. But he felt that the bag is very light. He opened it and found it to…



Snehal Shah

Snehal Shah is always been curious and smitten with the nature, life and people. She loves to read and pen down the thought waves into something meaningful!