how to stop premature ejaculation

6 min readOct 11, 2017


Among the most common forms of sexual impairment and among the most embarrassing male sexual issues. An estimated 30–70 percent of guys in the general population suffer from premature ejaculation to a degree at the same time or another, which may result in psychological consequences and relationship issues.

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Even among healthy young men with an active sexual life experience premature ejaculation, also known as “rapid ejaculation”. Numerous studies have demonstrated that premature ejaculation can have both biological and psychological triggers.

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Due to the intimate nature of the Issue, many men are too Embarrassed to seek medical assistance. And a lot of them are resorting to getting their premature ejaculation therapy at sex shop online for example delaying lotions or anaesthetic sprays. This delaying method can work for a while to numb the head of the penis, but the moment you stop using them, the issue will return.

Among the biggest misconceptions surrounding PE is that by taking Anti-depressant medications decrease PE. But, taking anti-depressant drugs can lead to erectile dysfunction and other unwanted effects.

So how do I cure my premature ejaculation? These are the questions that you may be asking for yourself. Just continue reading since as you go along you’ll get a better understanding about premature ejaculation and ways to control it. Do you need to continue longer in bed tonight? Click here to find out more.

The expression premature ejaculation was cited as “ejaculatio ante portas” from the early Greek writings. It means ejaculation prior to the gate. It was from the late 19th century which rapid ejaculation was conceived as a disease by the medical literature.

Major historical perspectives on diagnosis, etiology and recommended treatment of Premature Ejaculation:

1917–1950, Karl Abraham (German psychoanalyst) termed quick ejaculation as “ejaculatio praecox”. PE then was believed neurosis connected to unconscious conflicts. Along with the treatment of premature ejaculation consisted of classical psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic treatment.

1943, Bernhard Schapiro (German endocrinologist) contested the pure emotional view of Karl Abraham. Schapiro claimed that PE is a psychosomatic disturbance resulting from the feeble reproductive system. He advocated by means of topical anesthetic creams as the remedy for premature ejaculation.

1950–1990, William Masters and Virginia Johnson (American sexologists), suggested that PE was caused by behavioural disorder. They argued that rapid ejaculation was connected to first rapid intercourse that resulted in habituation and generated performance anxiety. They advocated behavioural therapy (squeeze method) as the main remedy for premature ejaculation.

1990–2005, Marcel Waldinger (Dutch neuropsychiatrist), hypothesized that lifelong PE is a neurobiological-genetic disorder, which can be associated with a diminished central serotonin neurotransmission dysfunctions. He established his neurobiological theory of the disease on the outcome data of a range of animals and psychopharmacological treatment studies on premature ejaculation. He introduced selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in treating premature ejaculation. A medication named dapoxetine has accepted by the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) for the treatment of premature ejaculation.

Ejaculation is the discharge of semen from the penis after sexual climax. When a man is sexually aroused, the brain sends signals to the genital area through nerves in the spinal cord to contract the pelvic muscles.

Waves of muscle contractions transfer the sperm, using a small amount Of fluid, from the testes through into the vas deferens. The seminal vesicles and prostate contribute additional fluid to protect the sperm.

This mix of fluid and semen travels across the urethra to the tip Of the penis where it’s published (ejaculated) at the time of sexual climax (orgasm).

The mechanism of ejaculation has 3 phases: emission and expulsion, which can be controlled by the central nervous system.

And to the mind. And when men come to a certain degree of enthusiasm, signals are then sent from the brain, spinal cord and into the reproductive organs (peripheral nerves). This causes semen to be ejected from the urethral meatus (manhood), which is commonly accompanies sexual orgasm or orgasm.

Stage 1: Emission — During this stage, the sperm starts to travel from the testes through the vas deferens into the urethra. Fluid secretions can also be released by the prostate gland and seminal vesicles to create semen laden with acid phosphatase, citric acid, and zinc with spermatozoa-rich fluid from the vas deferens from the prostatic urethra. The emission phase also has excretion of fluid from the Cowper’s glands and periurethral glands.

Phase 2: Expulsion or Ejaculatory -During this phase, semen and sperm traveling through the urethra and are ejaculated from the penis.

Masters and Johnson defined premature ejaculation as the guy’s Inability to control ejaculation long enough to meet his partner. PE occurs with minimal sexual stimulation and before a man wants it to occur.

Another definition of PE from a mental standpoint is by Using quantitative measures like the length of ejaculatory latency, or the amount of thrusts before ejaculation. The duration of time is varied from 1–7 minutes after vaginal intromission. Men who ejaculated in seconds are qualified as severe circumstances.

Premature ejaculation can be categorized as lifelong (main) or acquired (secondary).

1. Lifelong Premature Ejaculation means that the problem has always existed since the very first sexual encounter and remains a problem For the remainder of his life.

2. Acquired Premature Ejaculation means that he’d previously successful sexual encounter, but developed suffering from premature ejaculation at some point later in his life.

The primary symptom of premature ejaculation is the inability to postpone Ejaculation either before or soon after intercourse begins.

With lifelong premature ejaculation the symptoms may include the following:

Emotional issues
Deep anxiety about gender that relates to past traumatic experiences encountered during development, such as sexual assault, incest, conflict with parents)

With regard to obtained premature ejaculation early signs can include the following:

Erectile dysfunction
Fear of failure to satisfy the spouse or performance anxiety
Psychotropic or street drug use

Typically, premature ejaculation can be a complication of an erectile dysfunction. However, when a person can have a normal erections, emotional factors such as anxiety, guilt or depression can often result in a habit of a premature ejaculation especially. While it was once considered to be only psychological trigger, but new studies concluded that premature ejaculation can be physiological (biological), emotional or a combination of both.

Numerous possible physiological causes of premature ejaculation may include:

Highly responsive nervous system — If your sympathetic nervous system is extremely responsive, it may result in an early triggering of an orgasm and finally early ejaculation.
Low testosterone levels within the body have always been related to lack of orgasm control.
Abnormal levels of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters are found in men with premature ejaculation.
Abnormal reflex activity of the ejaculatory system because of an autonomous reflex.
Excessive alcohol ingestion
Hypertension or high blood pressure
Inflammation and infection of the prostate or urethra
Nerve damage from trauma, surgery or injury
Thyroid disorders (overactive or under active thyroid gland)
Psychotropic medication withdrawal (SSRI: Paxil and Zoloft)
Weak pelvic muscle

Stress — functionality pressure like fear of failure to fulfill the spouse can cause premature ejaculation psychologically.
Early sexual encounters that hurried one to orgasm may lead to premature ejaculation in later life.
Dating problems

Many factors that can play important risk of premature ejaculation include:

Erectile dysfunction
Health issues
Relationship problems

If a man ejaculates quickly before sexual intercourse, it might Interfere with conception or may prevent a few from becoming pregnant, that are attempting to have a baby. Failure to respond to treatment for uncontrolled ejaculation as well as the complications can lead to sexual dissatisfaction for both partners. It might also become a source of tension and relationship issues, and eventual break ups or separation.

In men who have bothered to last longer in bed or have early Because premature ejaculation can have many causes, your Physician may Order some lab tests to rule out any other medical problems. If you Are suffering both premature ejaculation and impotence problems, your If depression or other conditions coexist, your Physician May refer you to attend a psychiatrist who specializes in this condition.

