Three Amazing Time Travel Paradoxes

Jyoti Singh
5 min readAug 12, 2021


Time Travel Paradoxes :

According to Elbert Einstein, we can go on schedule in the two ways implies before and future, since he told that time is relative, not consistent.

Time travel in the future appears for brleing conceivable with leading science and innovation.

Yet, when we apply this idea to the past, then, at that point time travel appears to abuse the law of nature and brings up many issues before us, which we later call time travel Paradoxes.

Time Travel Paradoxes

Prior to moving to the time travel mysteries we ought to need to realize that what is a Paradox?

What is Paradox?

Oddities are those inquiries that produce sensible inconsistencies.

These kinds of inquiries depend on reality however their answers are not real, which can't be acknowledged.

Oddities puzzle our keenness and make us think.

Presently ring a bell blowing time travel mysteries;

1. Granddad Paradox

It is the most straightforward and effectively justifiable mystery.

Granddad Paradox: Lets John has a time travel machine by which he can make a trip to the past.

Assume John went to the past through the time travel machine in the time span of his granddad.

Till that time, his granddad was not hitched and his granddad had not met with his grandma.

Presently, He killed his granddad intentionally or accidentally.

Presently here the inquiry emerges that who killed his granddad?

In the event that his dad was not conceived, there is no presence of John.

Presently the fact is that who was the person who jumps through time who killed John's granddad?

This logical inconsistency makes this inquiry a time travel oddity.

2. Destiny Paradox

As indicated by this time travel conundrum time streams in a shut circle, by which you can't clarify that when the specific occasion happened previously, happening in the present, or will happen later on.

Also, as indicated by it, every one of the endeavors of time travel can’t change the past, present or future.

Indeed, on the off-chance that anyone gets accomplishment in making a time machine and by that he gets accomplishment to go in the past then he can't transform anything previously, yet in spite of he might turn into the reason for now happened occasions before.

Illustration of Predestination Paradox

Assume your dear companion John is arriving in a vehicle to meet you.

However, lamentably, John gets an extremely dangerous accident with another vehicle which was coming before his vehicle. Also, he gets dead on the spot.

Since your companion John passed on, you become exceptionally miserable.

Furthermore, you begin making a time machine and following 05 years you get achievement in it.

At this point machine, you can go to the past.

Presently you can't help thinking about why not go to the past and save your dearest companion who passed on 05 years prior in a fender bender.

Presently you utilize your time machine and went to that time span of the past when John got a mishap.

Since you are in a rush, so the speed of your vehicle is high to the point that, you additionally get a mishap and your vehicle slammed into another vehicle which was coming before yours.

What's more, the individual in another vehicle gets killed on the spot.

Also, when you emerge from the vehicle and see who that individual is?

You get astounded that he is your companion John.

So this is the destiny conundrum of time travel. In this model, time made a shut circle.

So this time travel conundrum is otherwise called shut circle, relaxed circle, and fate mystery.

3. Bootstraps Paradox

As per this Catch 22, things are now there before they are made, which means stuff as of now exists without being made.

Here, with the help of time travel, you can't discover the beginning of specific data.

Basic Example of Bootstraps Paradox

Where did the hypothesis of relativity come from?

Assume you made a time machine by which you can make a trip to the past.

Also, today, you realize that the hypothesis of relativity is given by Elbert Einstein.

Presently get to the heart of the matter, you replicated the hypothesis of relativity and went to the past through your time machine when Elbert Einstein was additionally don't think about the hypothesis of relativity.

Presently you gave a duplicate of the hypothesis of relativity to Elbert Einstein. Furthermore, he distributed the hypothesis of relativity in the article.

Presently the inquiry emerges that who gave the hypothesis of relativity?

The inconsistency is that here Einstein distributed the hypothesis of relativity by seeing it from the duplicate given by you and you additionally replicated the hypothesis of relativity.

Then, at that point who is the underlying distributer of the hypothesis of relativity? Who would you be able to give credit? Since both duplicated the hypothesis of relativity, you and Einstein.

These kinds of Catch 22s are known as Bootstrap's Catch 22s.

The Possible Solution to Time Travel Paradox

There are numerous potential answers for the time travel conundrums, however here we will talk about just that which appears to be somewhat more reasonable and conceivable.

Here one arrangement is given by quantum mechanics.

As indicated by quantum mechanics, quantum particles can exist in more than each spot in turn, which is known as quantum superposition.

Physicists of this field feel that there are limitless quantities of universes like our Universe. What's more, in all universes time stream at various rates.

Thus, when we apply this hypothesis in our universe then we can get the arrangement of these time travel mysteries.

So when anybody goes on schedule with the assistance of a time machine, he won't go in our universe, yet he will go in another universe.

Granddad Paradox: So, assuming John kills his granddad, its belongings won't occur in our universe yet not in another universe.

Note: If this was an answer for this time travel mystery, then, at that point it would not be a conundrum more.

Quantum mechanics is the hypothetical arrangement of this mystery, so we can't say it is a long-lasting arrangement.



Jyoti Singh

Writing is not my profession, but it's my passion. I write to share my knowledge, experience and facts to everyone. So keep reading my articles... Thanj you!