2 min readJan 7, 2016

A Hello From SnipBit

Salutations, Medium! My name is Jack McDaniel, CMO at SnipBit. I have the honor of writing the inaugural post for our blog. The SnipBit team is comprised of five college-age kids who tasked themselves with a single goal in mind: change the way producers monetize the web. This change, in turn, alters the way consumers experience it. The problem lies within the constant tug-of-war between the producer’s need to monetize their premium content, and the consumer’s desire to have said premium content for free. In alignment with our good friend John Locke — the philosopher best known for freedom of speech to create compromise — the SnipBit team knew the answer was somewhere in the middle. Our solution is as follows.

The idea is simple. Allow consumers to purchase premium content al a carte via micropayments. Rather than spending upwards of $10 a month on monthly subscriptions, why not spend anywhere from 10 to 50 cents on only the content you want for on demand access? We understand that some people are going to stick to the traditional subscription model, but the target consumer for this service is one that is really interested in the content, but not interested enough to pay in full. If you fall into the prior category, that’s ok. We don’t blame you! Many producers have some amazing content worth paying for to the fullest extent — we’re here to support those who are not as decisive.

The idea could even expand beyond on-demand access into advertising. With 41% of millennials using adblockers on the their browsers, producers lost over $22 billion dollars in 2015 alone. That’s a pressing and scary issue. In fact, an issue so pressing that producers like Forbes and GQ have blocked these adblockers from their site. What if it could be solved by giving consumers an option to see ads, or pay a small fee up front? Enter micropayments (and SnipBit).

Today’s modern technology allots for amazing code (that goes right over my head) to be built. Thanks to our amazing coders who participated in a hackathon in November (if you’re reading this, hi guys!), we have a working prototype. How cool. Anyway, we’re going to relentlessly continue to push forward in an effort to change the web with this awesome platform. Right now, however, we’re just here to say hi. In the words of Zig Ziglar (awesome nickname by the way, Zig):

Send out a cheerful, positive greeting, and most of the time you will get back a cheerful, positive greeting.

So that’s exactly what we’re doing; sending out some good vibes in an attempt to get positive one’s back. That being said, please follow us! We’re also on Twitter and Facebook, where you can track our progress as a company along with all the latest breaking news in micropayments, adblocking, monetization, bitcoin, and more. You can find the links below.

Expect more soon!


SnipBit is a ground breaking micropayment platform that flips the subscription model on its head and allows you to pay pennies for your content.