Snoobs’ Boost, the prelude to the real show

5 min readJun 19, 2022


How many times have I heard people complaining to themselves (including me) because of not having bought Bitcoin or BAYC several years before? Who has done so is an innovator: someone who believes in innovation and the future and is brave enough to bet on it!

Rome has not been built in a day, and a valuable project as well. They need time, effort, and support to reach the point in which anyone can understand and appreciate their value. So, it is time to ask yourself: are you in the 2.5% of the population, are you an innovator?

Which group do you belong to?

Snoobs is growing taking its time, without rushing. We are developing the tech, the art, and the user experience we wanted to see in the NFT market. We have done a lot so far, but nothing compared with what will come next!

Now, we are giving the chance, to very few people, to enter into the project far earlier than the masses, to support the project and push its development. The ticket to become part of Snoobs’ ecosystem is represented by a small collection of unique pieces of art, in the form of 1/1 NFTs, hand-made and still unrevealed, named Snoobs’ Boost. We are aware of our actual limits and we intend to fix them before they become a problem for Snoobs’ realization. So, in this article, we will introduce you to how we intend to maximize the contribution we will collect from Snoobs’ Boost to increase Snoobs’ value and which benefits they will ensure to their holders.

Let’s start with the latter:

  • 1 Snoobling freely airdropped for each Episode!
  • a Snoobling forced-unlock (1 per Episode)
  • the chance to propose, write, or draw, a graphical characteristic for the Snooblings of the next Episode (since Episode 1# the Snooblings will have procedurally generated characteristics)
  • have your name been written in the Hall of Snoobs’ Supporters (what an honour!)
  • exclusive and/or early-access to Snoobs’ initiatives and spaces (a ton of surprises) and a direct channel of communication with the team

…wow, it looks like the wish-list of a child who is mailing Santa Clouse! However all of these wonderful gifts are meaningless if the project won’t have an ambitious vision and a solid plan, isn’t it?! Then, waiting for the coming whitepaper, let’s have a preview of how Snoobs will work and our plans for the close future.

Snoobs is a narrative-centric community experience, based on dNFT technology (more about dNFTs in this article). The story and the collections are divided into Episodes, each of them starts with a certain number of Snooblings (the little creatures we use to represent our project), after a certain amount of time and/or interactions with other users, each Snooblings will evolve in a Snoobs. -Tan tan!- Don’t think that this is the end, in fact, each Snoobs has a different set of characteristics and utilities… more about that will be revealed at the right time, sorry for the suspense trap.

A preview of Snoobs’ Boost, a collection of 1/1 NFTs for real innovators!

If you are an innovator then you probably know Kickstarter, well feel free to consider our Boosting Collection as a Kickstarter campaign. How does it work?! Essentially for each level of funding reached a new task/goal is achieved:

  • 1st to 3rd NFTs sold -> gather access to selected NFT communities (we welcome suggestions about that), this will help us in finding new collaborations and synergies and, who knows, maybe even new team members… we would love to find someone passionate about marketing and/or community management + building Hall of Snoobs’ Supporters
  • 4th to 6th NFTs sold -> content creation with (2–3) selected NFT influencers (we welcome suggestions about this point as well), the aim is to spread Snoobs brand in the NFT ecosystem. Opening a private communication channel between the Snoobs’ Boost owners and the team
  • 7th to 9th NFTs sold -> funds for sponsoring Snoobs around the web (e.g. Twitter and Google Ads, $6/day per 5 months), accordingly to the marketing and communication plan we’ll calibrate with internal or external consultancies
  • 10th to 11th NFTs sold -> website restyling! (the actual version is very cool because it is done by us, but we are aware that a professional might do something even better)
  • 12th NFT has already been assigned to a friend who served us as a consultant for website building and SEO improvements. It is a way to demonstrate our gratefulness.

100% of the funds collected will be re-invested in the project (as reported here, but keeping a bit of flexibility), in preparation for the next step: the test net. In fact, other tasks that will be accomplished meanwhile include:

  • realization of the second part of the video clip that introduces Episode 0#, and the drawings for the next NFT collections (mostly of Episode 0# and 35% of Episode 1# are already done)
  • completing smart-contracts development and local testing
  • keeping working on the project communication
  • launching a prototyper episode (named Episode 0#) to evaluate the tech and the experience we have built for our users

If you are not electrified by all these revelations, then I have bad news for you: innovation is not your cup of tea, nothing personal my friend. Take it easy, you will survive, but we cannot ensure that your life will be adventurous and crazy as we like in Snoobs!

The summer is coming and the Snoobs too, now you can guess when to mint your unique Snoobs Boost, and if you are asking yourself where then you have to know that there is a place where you discover it for sure: our website! …but we will share the news on our socials as well, we just wanted you to check our website, and improve its SEO, a necessary pain in the neck.

Thank you in advance for your support, we will build Snoobs, together

MINT INFO: Our NFTs will be minted by snoobsnft.wallet, we bought this domain to ensure maximum transparency and to avoid misunderstandings and scams.

We chose the Polygon network because dynamic NFTs require a lot of on-chain transactions, then we need to keep the gas fees as low as possible. Even more, minting on Etherium is expensive, and, considering that we are launching Snoobs’ Boost collection to collect funds to accelerate the project development, it would have been nonsense to spend a lot of money for such a purpose. We are accepting payments in ETH, DAI, and USDC, all chains which we trust.




The Snoobs are going to be released this year… Be patient and get ready to meet with them. We’ll write their story, together!