Axel BrunsinDMRC at largeFilter Bubbles and Echo Chambers: Debunking the Myths(Crossposted from the Polity blog.)Jul 31, 2019Jul 31, 2019
Axel BrunsFacebook Shuts the Gate after the Horse Has Bolted, and Hurts Real Research in the ProcessA public response from leading members of the Internet research community.Apr 25, 20182Apr 25, 20182
Axel BrunsinDMRC at largeThe Library of Congress Twitter Archive: A Failure of Historic ProportionsIt’s dead: the U.S. Library of Congress has officially pulled the plug on its project to create a full, complete archive of all of Twitter…Jan 2, 20182Jan 2, 20182
Axel BrunsinThe Walkley MagazineBeyond the cult of numbersWe need a more sophisticated approach to social media metrics for editorial decision-making.Aug 8, 2017Aug 8, 2017
Axel BrunsinDMRC at largeDoes ABC News Siphon Audiences from Fairfax?Fairfax CEO Greg Hywood has been busy. His company’s announcement on 3 May 2017 that Fairfax would sack 125 of its newsroom staff led to…May 29, 2017May 29, 2017
Axel BrunsinDMRC at largeTwitter in Australia: How We’ve Grown and What We Talk AboutThere are plenty of assumptions and not a great deal of reliable data about how we use social media. Twitter, for example, is variously…May 9, 2017May 9, 2017
Axel BrunsinDMRC at largeEcho Chamber? What Echo Chamber?The recent emergence and success of political movements that appear to be immune to any factual evidence that contradicts their claims —…Nov 23, 2016Nov 23, 2016
Axel BrunsinDMRC at large#ausvotes 2016: Some Early ImpressionsWe’re now well into one of the longest Australian election campaigns in recent memory, and close enough to election date that we should…Jun 14, 2016Jun 14, 2016
Axel BrunsinDMRC at largeA First Draft of the Present: Why We Must Preserve Social Media ContentHistory, they say, is written by the winners — but more concretely, it is written on the basis of the records that survive and are…May 15, 2016May 15, 2016
Axel BrunsinDMRC at large#ausvotes Revisited: Social Media in the 2013 Australian Federal ElectionAs Australia commences one of the longest federal election campaigns in living memory, much attention will be paid again to how parties and…May 10, 2016May 10, 2016