Expat Stories #1: Marion

2 min readNov 23, 2016


How and why did you leave your country of origin?

I left France when I was around 10 years old and moved to a french island in the caribbean called Martinique. I moved because of my father’s job. Since then i have moved many times to different countries. I did not want to move to a new place at first, I was young and had never done anything like this before. As soon as I started my new life in Martinique though, i realized how lucky I was to have this opportunity. And now, i can’t stop moving around and I could never go back to settle down in France.

What’s the worst thing about living abroad?

I think the most difficult part about living abroad is to be far away from my family. I am missing out on many family events and reunion and that can be hard. They usually call me when they are all together and in those moments I really wish I could be with them. But it makes me treasure the times I have with them even more.

What’s the nicest thing about living abroad?

Living abroad gave me an open mind. I learn so much from all the people I have gotten to know in the different places that I have been to. It’s humbling and extremely exiting. I feel lucky to have had this chance.

Where do you see yourself living in the future?

In the immediate future, I will try to get a job in Eastern or Western Africa. I can definitely see myself living there for a while. But who knows where I will end up!

