7 Brands That Know How To Handle Instagram

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4 min readFeb 25, 2018

You probably heard that Instagram is now one of the most efficient platforms for advertising a brand. It has lots of active users, it gets the biggest engagement, it’s visual and understandable — yeah, everyone is talking about it. There are dozens of articles, telling why you should start an advertising campaign on Instagram immediately. That’s great, you understand that it is profitable and whatever.

However, now, when you are convinced to try and make your brand’s account — what’s next? That’s the moment when lots of marketers that never managed an Instagram account fall into coma. What should you post? How should the pictures look like? Should it be pictures or gifs? Or maybe videos? What in the God’s sake are you supposed to post?

Keep calm and carry on. Here are some magnificent examples of brand’s Instagram accounts you could learn from. They will inspire you to invent some really creative way to advertise your business.


These guys don’t do anything special — they just smartly use content made by their followers and clients. Almost all the pictures on FedEx are made be satisfied users and have a soul. Mostly those are the company’s vehicle, car or plane, in some interesting surrounding. Every photo has personality, so all followers feel a connection between themselves and the brand. As a result — FedEx has 82.8k followers.


GE is for General Electric. That’s not a very sexy or beautiful theme, isn’t it? However, company’s Instagram account tells fascinating stories about the company itself and its employees. Photos of giant machines alternate with pictures of people in their workplaces. Altogether it creates a feeling of something bigger, of a great work and great goal that these people are going to. Everyone likes to witness some amazing achievements and that’s why GE’s account has 327k of followers.


What could be cuter than babies? Jessica Alba, the founder of Honest, also think that babies are the cutest. Sweet photos of little babies and funny quotations make her brand account irresistible. Stories and experience of her own life also create a tight connection between her and subscribers. She encourages people to live happy and healthy life so that’s not surprising that Honest account has 799k followers.


We’re Brooklyn’s first & only footwear based brand — that’s how they describe themselves in the channel description. This works — focusing on different types of shoes leads to great quality of the product. The content of account shows not only the product but also places where people could use it — beautiful parks, city landscapes, sporting grounds. This convinces users that before creating new models of shoes, brand thinks where it will be used. Company’s account has 123K of followers.

Califia Farms

This brand won’t be so efficient if it didn’t have such a great package. Famous Califia bottle even win a Beverage World Magazine award in packaging category. So, the whole brand Instagram account is focused on that beautiful bottle. Brand owners not only take pictures of package itself, but also post images that show their product is the active or healthy surrounding. Every picture and video tells about healthy lifestyle, and that is a modern trend. That’s why Califia Farms account has 93.6k of followers.

Paris Opera Ballet

You thought an opera can’t have its own account? Well, Paris Opera Ballet not only has an account but also is extremely good at filling it with content. Photos from the backstage and repetitions, sophisticated images of dancers, close look at the costumes — they show everything that intrigues and interests’ audience. And as a result they have 249k of followers.

Divinity LA Bracelets

The idea to combine business and charity is not new, but this brand uses it as a PRO. Some percent of money, got for each bracelet go for saving sea turtles or other charity programs. Content of the account shows products and stories of people, who bought them. Such a combination gives a powerful engagement with customers and helped Divine Bracelets gather 259k of followers.

Don’t be afraid to experiment, make crazy photos and post them to your account. Do your best to interest, amuse or impress your audience and your brand will be successful. Those 7 brands think about their followers while making content and so should you. Brightly individual and audience oriented brands gather more followers than those who are just advertising themselves.




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