Monetizing Micro-Content: What Marketers Need To Know About Blockchain

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1 min readDec 4, 2017

I remember very clearly the moment in 1995 when I first saw a web page. I very quickly subscribed to a dial-up internet service and began thinking about the marketing aspects of the new technology. I sensed this would be big. More than twenty-five years later, marketing has gone through an enormous revolution as a result of the web. Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about blockchain. I think the technology is coming to marketing soon and has potential to be just as revolutionary as the web has been.

A blockchain is a decentralized and distributed ledger used to record transactions. The decentralized component means no person or entity “owns” the blockchain and distributed means that transactions are recorded on many different computers. Once a transaction is logged, it cannot be altered retroactively without changing subsequent blocks, which is the security built into the system. For an excellent primer on the technology, see “The great chain of being sure about things” from The Economist.





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