How does Blockchain Technology contribute to SDGs’ concept?
4 min readMar 8, 2019


In our recent Medium post “What are the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their importance to SocialPolis Coin Project?”, we elaborated on SDGs’ characteristics and separate targets, and the way that SocialPolis Coin initiative is related to these goals.

SocialPolis Coin Project is the first Blockchain-based project that aims to social and sustainable development.

Its mission is to act as an alternative financing method for innovative sustainability development — enhancing projects, providing at the same time trust and transparency in those sectors that these two attributes are of high importance.

The SPL Coin will be introduced and circulated through six different financial application areas:

1. AGORA City: A Real estate project via the SPL Coin

2. SPL Coin in the Humanitarian Aid and Solidarity Market

3. SPL Coin in Coops and Enterprises

4. SPL Coin: e-Work and Volunteer Workers

5. Building the Market Place of the SPL Coin

6. Small Islands and SPL Coin

The Mission of the SPL Coin Project, above all, is to enhance social and sustainable development economy. It also aspires to contribute effectively with regards to EUs employment policies and rates, social participation, regional and rural development, environmental protection, consumer protection and social security policies.

This time, we will be addressing the concept around SDGs’ focusing on the contribution of Blockchain tech to their implementation across the globe.

SocialPolis Coin may suggest a rather new yet much promising Blockchain-based project but, Social Development Goals’ concept is not so new. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) came into our lives in September 2015 when the 193 member countries of the United Nations adopted a developmental agenda in order to achieve end of poverty, protection of the planet, safekeeping of global peace and prosperity and enhancement of well-being for all.

The 17 SDGs were built on three core elements: economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection. By this, nations are urged to work together towards a better and more sustainable future for the generations to come.

The effort needs to be collaborative especially when it comes to mobilizing the lower levels of managerial authorities. Governments, the private sector, civil society and citizens are expected to transform their attitude towards a concerted effort to create a more inclusive future.

For some, the role that technology has played within the field of sustainability is ambiguous. Here, we list some programs making it possible to exhibit a strong technological focus while moving towards Sustainability Development Goals’ concept.

In July 2018, the United Nations held its annual High Level Political Forum (HLPF), in order to review the progress of SDGs with governments and other stakeholders to be present.

The stocktaking of this series of meetings in New York identifies that several projects from different business backgrounds join hands and they are on the way to fulfilling of the goals. One technological advancement that takes the lead is Blockchain technology.

One of the leading programs in progress is the World Food Program’s (WFP) Building Blocks, which uses the decentralized digital ledger technology to accelerate cash transactions, to make them more secure and cost-friendly by eliminating the intermediaries. This addresses SGD №1 ‘No Poverty’ and SGD №2 ‘Zero Hunger.’

‘By harnessing the power of the blockchain, WFP aims to reduce payment costs associated with cash transfers, better protect beneficiary data, control financial risks, and set up assistance operations more rapidly in the wake of emergencies,’ WFP explained.

Talking with facts, as of January 2018, over 100,000 Syrian refugees in Pakistan and Jordan redeem their WFP-provided assistance using the Blockchain program. The aim is to have all 500,000 WFP-supported refugees in Jordan receive their provisions using the service.

The United Nations also supports the use of this kind of technology in order to address a wide range of societal issues. In 2018, the UN Climate Change sector helped established the Climate Chain Coalition (CCC).

Using Blockchain technology, CCC targets to enhance collaboration among members to strengthen the monitoring, reporting and verification of climate action impacts.

‘To fully and promptly mobilize this potential, broad collaboration among stakeholders is needed to direct resources to priority areas, avoid duplication of effort, and help avoid the pitfalls of working on a new technology with countless unknowns,’ Massamba Thioye of UN Climate Change explained.

However, besides institutional efforts, the business world is also looking into the possible impact of Blockchain technology on society.

According to Andy Ann, CEO of NOIZ, a decentralized ad network that provides a transparent advertising space for publishers, advertisers and consumers to connect in a fraud-free ecosystem: “Blockchain is a very powerful platform. If the government and public sectors could only understand how to use this technology, they can change the world. The power to make the world better is in their decentralized hands.”

Discover more details about SocialPolis Coin Project and get your token now.

