Socialpolis Blockchain Area, a small island/city full of transparency and trust
3 min readFeb 22, 2019


The vision to transfer a small island or a city to a Blockchain Area is to develop a Human Smart City operating based on the principles of blockchain trust and transparency.

Blockchain Area, either it is a small island or a city, is a new concept of functionality.

The organizational layers constituting the area will be integrated to a network that ensures data integrity and transaction reliability while interconnecting citizenry, infrastructure and operations.

Towards the notion of areas structured on AICBM (AI, IoT, Cloud, Big Data, Mobile), Blockchain Area seeks to integrate all these technologies to upgrade public operations, emergency management protocols, public safety policies, energy consumption and urban logistics.

Given the urgent necessity to employ efficient, smart solutions with regards to transportation, energy and security issues, Blockchain’s P2P network intelligence provides a solid alternative for urban and rural planning and managing resources.

Applying a Blockchain system basically means setting as a first priority the privacy of all registered individuals and transparently managing all transactions taking place while excluding intermediaries and ultimately, redefining what “smart” means.

Citizens, along with their needs and qualities, should be analyzed with regards to their age; seniors, adults & underaged while people requiring special attention should be considered and handled based on their severity of their condition.

Regarding the infrastructure, it should be laid out according to its basic components; water, electric power, supplies, transport, infrastructure for education, medicine, business (sales/ production/ services) etc. Blockchain technology allows to combine different databases and use data from several platforms and systems ensuring maximum efficiency.

The third dimension focuses on operations — blockchain technology enables operations and transactions in a timely, transparent and safe manner. Having a closer look to the characteristics of this type of financial structuring, it is safe to assume that micro-economies exhibit several shared features.

· Limited population to support the local economies and tourist demand during the 12-month period

· High cost of services and transportation as a result of their isolation

· Strong tourist and agricultural/fishery capabilities

· “Closed” and very small economies

· Great potential for the establishment of Innovation hubs, with different orientation for each island

· The growth of their Social Economy as the major beneficiary of the available state and EU funding

A pilot Socialpolis Blockchain Area project is to be developed in close cooperation with the local authorities transforming the area of interest to a Blockchain city or island offering services and IT infrastructures for financial and social activities.

Socialpolis Coin will play a key role in this project both as the major exchange coin within the island/city and also as a vehicle to attract investments.

At first, introduction of the SPL Coin will be confined to a closed geographical terrain and will enable business transactions only within this specific area.

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