Towards the new business model of future economies
4 min readMar 28, 2019


Hierarchical structure is an organizational scheme as old as the hills. It is crystallized in forms and patterns applied across almost every sector we are aware of. Thinking of how long hierarchies have been shaping the world as we know it, none could actually deny their contribution to societal organization. Nevertheless, hierarchic models are no longer considered as the only go-to-option as a growing number of industry leaders and entrepreneurs in the era of late modernity tend to try rather egalitarian approaches.

Realizing the renewed interest towards collaborative economics models and their relevance, more and more people argue that slowly yet steadily we are transitioning to a world of contribution instead of hierarchies. The entire cryptocurrency concept and the rise of Blockchain-based solutions verify that humanity is headed towards reinventing more inclusive approaches of trading. SocialPolis Coin being the first token directly addressing issues within the Social Economy concept aspires to become the compass of this transition.

SocialPolis Coin’s mission is fundamentally to disrupt Social Economy and, at the same time, to provide a reliable financial instrument. SPL Coin will be able to offer the benefits of trusted and secure transactions while introducing six financial area’s application projects urgently seeking to be addressed:

1. The International Solidarity activities.

2. The Social economy coops as a tool to support Social Responsibility Programs of non-Social Economy Enterprises of the private and the Public sector in EU.

3. The economies of small islands located in the Greek Archipelagos.

4. A developmental tool to support a land development project towards a new Smart City in Greece (AGORA City).

5. International Development of e-work.

6. A new way to attract and promote volunteer workers on the above application areas into Social and Solidarity Economy in EU.

Hierarchies can be formally delineated, as when power and authority are vested in some official positions more than others, or they can emerge informally, as when differences in status and influence naturally develop among peers working together1. The flow of thought about hierarchy begun to change when theories about how we interact with other people arose to the surface. But it is a lot more than that.

Concepts of how we influence each other or where we draw our inspiration from are also drivers of this change. On top of that, how we secure consensus, resources and commitment also affect how we understand underlying power dynamics and by all means, great leadership. Thus, nowadays more often than ever, manifestations of power and vertical lines of communication suggest an encumbrance to aforementioned situations driving leaders and people in position of power to seek and develop more inter-relative and dynamic routes to thriving.

Hierarchy provides a safety blanket enabling a form of standard route of actions, setting lines of accountability and control, and keeping a clear distance between the levels of control. These features have operated satisfactory until now, but the challenges of late-modernity demand new forms of action. Leaders of today unite people with diverse skills and ideas, and engage them through their personal passion and authenticity. Several raised voices argue that we are moving towards chaotic situations if leave hierarchy behind. However, the new model of decentralized control is all about a synchronized, coordinated, and collective responsibility instead of the reliance on the authority invested in people by their established position into the society.

Today, people are not merely provided with a variety of goods. Pro-sumers actively co-develop and co-produce; As a result, the successful production depends on empowering pro-sumers and valuing their contributions. It is a fact that the Internet and other digital technologies such as Blockchain and cryptocurrencies have created greater potential for decentralization across society. This kind of decentralization of business does cultivate the ‘other loyalties’ and ‘alternative foci of power’ that Colin Ward mentioned2. However, Ward’s encouragement to progressive steps in models’ transition can be interpreted as follows: an improvement to worker autonomy means more than a management tactic for intensifying work efforts.

In a nutshell, it is maybe early to talk about completely decentralized organizational models within society. However, one cannot neglect people figuring out new ways to co-exist and for the very first time, working consciously towards a more inclusive future.

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1Brown C., and Anderson, C., (2010) The functions and dysfunctions of hierarchy.

2Ward, C. (2008) Anarchy in action. London: Freedom Press.

