Parenting Affirmations

Ur Girl
2 min readMay 9, 2022

Practice These for 30 Days


Parent Affirmations

  1. My child is the apple of my eye, and we complement each other perfectly.
  2. I inculcate discipline and virtues in my child in a loving way.
  3. My major goal in life is to be the best parent that I can possibly be, and all my activities are centered around this goal.
  4. I hug my children daily and demonstrate my love in other ways as well. I love and respect my child as much as I love and respect myself.
  5. I always pay attention to what my child says and give an appropriate response.
  6. I take care of all the needs of my child and see to it that s/he is always happy.
  7. I try to see the world through the eyes of my child and participate in his sense of wonder and joy.
  8. I understand that children constantly need motivation and I try to be their main source of motivation and inspiration.
  9. I understand that my child is a separate individual and I give him/her enough space for his/her individuality.
  10. I take an active interest in the studies of my child and help and guide him/her whenever possible.
  11. I strive for the all-around development of my child and encourage any talent that she/he has.

Ur Girl



Ur Girl

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