Trusting God, Even During Difficult Times

Ur Girl
4 min readFeb 17, 2023

And a Few Short Prayers to Keep You Going


Trusting God During Difficult times

Trusting God during difficult times can be a challenge. But by following a few steps, you can make it easier for yourself.

  1. Acknowledge your Feelings: It is important to recognize and accept your feelings of fear, anger, and frustration. You don’t have to pretend to be okay when you’re not.
  2. Pray: Talk to God and share your feelings with Him. Pray for strength and guidance.
  3. Read the Bible: Look for encouragement and hope in the Bible. Be sure to read the Psalms, which are full of comfort and assurance.
  4. Look for Silver Linings: Even in hard times, there may be something good to take away from the situation.
  5. Connect with Others: Reach out to friends and family and share your struggles with them. Having the support of others can be very helpful.
  6. Be Patient: Know that God is in control and that He is working on a plan for your life. Have faith that He will bring good things out of the difficult times.
  7. Don’t Give Up: It is easy to become discouraged, but don’t lose hope. Keep trusting in God and know that He will see you through.



Ur Girl

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