How to Reject a Job Candidate and Have Them Thank You For It

3 min readMay 8, 2015

As an employer, do you stand apart from the crowd? Do you have potential new employees beating down your door to work for you? If not, why not?

You don’t have to offer the best benefits package on the planet or pay double what your competitors do to be desirable to job seekers. There are plenty of less tangible ways to be considered a “dream employer”.

There are trends in new benefits around the world that are pushing the boundaries and attracting talent more than money can. Work-on-your-own-schedule (as long as the job gets done well) hours are becoming more acceptable by employers, as is telecommuting. Some offer two-week paid vacations before the new hire ever starts. These are innovative, but there are still some old fashioned notions that go a long way in establishing a reputation as a dream employer.

Like Being Considerate and Helpful
Before I go on, consider this: don’t you want to hire the best candidates for the position that you can? If that’s the case (and I would hope that it is), what are you doing to improve the field of candidates available in the future?

A friend of mine recently received the best job rejection letter e-v-e-r! My friend even responded with a “Thank You” for the rejection letter because it was so helpful. Without copying and pasting the letter here is what they did right…

They started off the email with the standard, “thank you for taking the time to interview for our position, but we’ve selected another candidate. Yada, yada, yada…” But then, the email took a turn for the better; the recruiter went on to say that even though they weren’t a mutual match, they wanted to help the applicant better themselves for the career they’re pursing.

How They Did This
• The recruiter listed helpful online reading Resources that will help the candidate understand the industry better.
• They listed top industry Blogs to follow.
• They named Professional Associations and Networking Groups in the area that the candidate can join to meet other professionals in the industry.
• They suggested completing industry specific Certification Programs that would help the candidate’s resume stand out from the crowd.
• Finally, they provided her with the name and email address of two Head Hunters that have had success in placing former applicants.

What a way to tell an applicant, thanks, but no thanks! Aside from being extremely polite and warm, they have given my friend resources to make sure that she can improve her knowledge and skills for the future.

How it Helps You
That’s what’s known as above and beyond. This kind of proactive practice sets a business apart and makes them special. Think long-term. If the candidate takes their advice, they will be better at what they do in the future. They may even get a job with another company through the referral resources.

When a position opens up at this company in the future, what do you think that the chances are that the same person — now with a better skill set and more experience — will apply with them again? Or refer talent their way?

And after all, a little extra effort now will yield even greater return in the future.

Socialty is a full-service social media marketing and social recruiting agency in Chicago. We create content, websites, blog posts, email marketing and strategic marketing plans for small and medium size businesses. Our social recruiting team helps you attract talented candidates via social media outlets. Socialty connects you to your audience and potential employees. We’ll keep you social while you carry on with your business. Keep Social and Carry On!


Originally published at




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