Develop a local business with almost nothing

7 min readFeb 6, 2017


And, who says a business, it also says a cooperative, a help group or a barter system; that not everything is vile metal in life.

The thing is that the Internet has fascinated us with the possibility that anyone can set up a global business. Then, you realize that it is not so easy. Although the window is there (Internet), you will still encounter many obstacles 1.0. If you sell things you have to send them and, you know, it is not comfortable or cheap to send anything to a distant country. In the end, those who are triumphing in global business are the giants we already know.

I always said this, the future is local: local agriculture, local businesses, localized groups … Here the Internet becomes something interesting, a means of communication. But life is still living locally.

Think global, but act local and you will hit . We can not live so absurdly globalized and delocalized. Around you are the people you’re really going to interact with. This does not mean that you forget the rest of the world but remember that your life is fully developed in a local environment.

If you want to be really rich, you have to contribute to the wealth to move locally.

In fact, the local economy is the one that truly enables you to find plots of freedom.

I am a fan of self-management and the economy of and for people. And this is totally local. That’s why we did Qwasap . With a lot of functions so that many local stories could be developed. Qwasap is designed for you to develop all your ideas locally.

Perhaps, so far we have not been able to convey it properly. Or things require time and the corresponding patience fee.

You will say: what is needed is that many more people use it.

I’ll tell you: okay. But let’s start with something: you, me and whoever wants to join us. That things always have to start with something small. And in those we are.


A few months ago we spoke with Bruce Wagner, who lives in Thailand, regarding his incessant search for a good means to buy-sell-change Bitcoin locally . We believe that Qwasap is a fully adequate platform for this. But, of course, we’re still a long way from having enough users to run smoothly. Bruce, who created a Telegram group called the Human Bitcoin ATM Project , continues his search. He currently has the idea of ​​using, as a basis, the system of a website designed to contact “escorts” with customers. The system is simple:

1) You propose an hour for the meeting..
2) You choose from the available possibilities.
3) The deal is closed.
4) You can follow on a map the location of the scort with which you have made the deal.

Saving that the tracking map seems totally unnecessary, the system is exactly the same as other applications for other purposes. That is, it is simple and surely can work very well.

Of course, if you apply it to another field (such as the one we are considering, bitcoins), you will return to the starting point: the need to have a good number of interested users to cover a good part of the world.


A few days ago we had a conversation with Roman Pushkin (a russian guy living in California) about his great creation in Telegram bot format, called LibreTaxi . The application is excellent although it still lacks some capital points of its development. It’s basically a free Uber . That is, a bot that puts in contact people who are willing to take others in their vehicle with people who are willing to let go in exchange for a price put by either of them. LibreTaxi does not take any commission for it.

Since Qwasap is a platform for local communication, we try to develop a small brainstorm with Roman to find ways of confluence. Well, Roman is not much of a talk so we made a little “drizzle” and that’s where the thing goes.

I must say that the LibreTaxi bot is excellent in its approach. As I said, it is still under development but it works great. And, logically, apart from having the same need for users as any other app in development is still missing very important details that does have Qwasap. And for this reason we try to connect with Roman in some sense.

LibreTaxi works schematically like this:

1) You register as a driver or as a customer.
2) You are located in an area of ​​the world.
2a) If you are a driver you should update your location with some frequency.
2b) If you are a customer you must put your exact location when you go to request a service.
3) The customer can propose a price to go from here to there (well-defined points) and the driver can accept or propose another.
4) When an agreement is reached, it is only necessary for the driver to pick up the customer at the stipulated point and do the service.

LibreTaxi was conceived by its creator as a means of contacting drivers and customers in rural areas. However, bot users are mostly from cities. Roman believes that this will lead him to have problems with the laws and their regulations. The fact that its creator is known can be a problem but in favor is the point that another person could continue to develop it without him and that it lives in Telegram, the messaging application that has always respected the freedom of people and creators.

However, for the moment it lacks a way to value both, drivers and customers. It is very important although Roman is in it already.

The interesting part is that Qwasap already has the user valuation system , which can be quite flexible. In fact, you will see that there are already users who have in front of their names this symbol: 🔅 and that indicates that they are people quite well valued in the community. And, above all, in Qwasap, all the people in a zone can read all the people within the radius that they have set up (except private messages, of course). It is not foolish for other people to know, for example, that someone has ridden in someone else’s car. Remember that in Qwasap people are anonymous (you can put the name you want) but recognize that it is a security plus that some interactions are visible by others. Especially because, although anonymous to where we want to be, local communication creates a kind of familiar camaraderie in which we end up being something “family”.

When people who are totally unknown are going to interact physically, the rating system becomes a fundamental tool. We know all too well because we use various vendor-based online trading platforms. Both, sellers and buyers, are interested in knowing how well or badly they value each other. Trust is everything in a medium of communication between people; especially if there is going to be any kind of non-virtual relationship.


And it’s not just mother’s love. We have worked hard for this tool to have everything. Even functions that can not yet be seen to be of practical use. We have always liked to look far away..

Right now, you could start to develop your local actions and create your virtual prestige . The possible fields are infinite. It does not matter so much that right now we are not many (we are still around 7000 scattered around the world with some concentration centers). Later, everyone in your area will know that you have been the pioneer, the person of trust in the field that you have wanted to develop.

It is not a question of buy-sell-change Bitcoin. It can be anything. And, it is important, that you want to develop it, always mark it with a #tag. For example: #OrganicFarm

Tags serve not only for other people to retrieve messages tagged with it (/recover #tag) but also they can see only marked messages (/filter #tag) or even stop seeing them if it is not a topic of their interest (/block #tag) which is beneficial for both parties.

I’ll tell you a secret: I wanted to develop an app that allows people to share food locations that grow spontaneously and can be collected. When I walk down the mountain I realize that there are many good things to eat and it is possible that many people who may need it do not know. In addition, there are people who would not mind leaving their urban or rural garden open. Well, I’ve seen that app already exists. It’s called FROODY. And it is thought more or less as I had imagined it. Therefore, the tool exists but also faces the issue of requiring many users to be really useful.

If you think about it, Qwasap can be the starting point of many good things. It does not matter if people later discover other bots and other apps more specifically dedicated to a topic. That would be good because diversity is also a good thing.

In Qwasap you can develop any local matter that you propose. Imagine what you want and start from the first moment interacting with users of that area and using a #tag suitable for that action, cooperation or business that you want to launch. Yes, you will be among the pioneers but you will start to have a local presence, which is, believe me, rather better than having a mere virtual presence.

We do not know how far we will go. But it will not be for lack of desire and tools.

And now it only remains that we continue to spread the wonderful “virus” of Telegram and that everyone active @qwasapbot

Let it be there on your Telegram, mute the notifications if you please. Any day you will need that local interaction and you will be grateful for not having closed that door.

Locally intense hugs.




I tell stories, I do things. I’m lucky, they say.