Sylius Administration Panel — how to navigate it?

Soft Gorillas
8 min readAug 16, 2021


Sylius Dashboard

On the left side..

On the left side of the panel there is a section for navigating through individual tabs. It is divided into Main Sections including:





Starting from the first section, Catalog:

Go to Taxonomy to:

  • Organize items with similar characteristics into groups in the store navigation menu based on the Sylius engine.
  • create a flat taxonomy that is a simple list of items grouped into categories that are considered to be equivalent.
  • You can also create a hierarchical taxonomy that is treated like a tree, with some categories superior over the others according to your priorities.

When opening the Taxonomy section, the form “New taxonomy — Manage product categorization” appears.

After filling in necessary data including (all fields marked with *):

  • Code — to any way of marking the Category Tree (whether it should be a superior / sub category)
  • Language
  • URL fragment (auto-completes based on Name)
  • Name


  • (It is recommended to create a full description and add signed photos for better optimization in terms of positioning).
  • To create the main category, we direct our attention to the “Create” button
  • To create or edit a subcategory, from currently created superior categories press -> … -> then an additional setting clause drops down:
  • Create, Edit, Delete or the determination of the position in relation to other category branches
  • Next to the Create a New Taxonomy section at the end of the form you will find:
  • Taxonomy Import: Selected formats: CSV, Excel, JSON

Go to Products, to:

Add a new product — Click the “Create” button in the top right corner. After clicking Create: we can choose type: simple, configurable type. After selecting the type of product creation, a form opens with: A navigation panel nested in a form that contains sections:


After filling in necessary data including (all fields marked with *):

  • Code — to any way of marking*
  • Producer — optional
  • Chanel — required*
  • Whether delivery is required*
  • Price list*
  • Language*
  • URL fragment (auto-completes based on Name)


  • (It is recommended to create a full description and add signed photos for better optimization in terms of positioning)
  • Specifying the Shipping Dimensions (or defining the Shipment category) -> SHIPMENT CATEGORIES section
  • Specifying the Tax to be added (defining the Tax category) -> TAX CATEGORY section

In Taxonomy we classify the assignment of a product to a given Superior Category and / or Sub Category

Attributes also called Features, selected from the defined ones.

To define Features, go to the “Features” Section

Why is it worth focusing on describing and assigning Features:

because in the product descriptions we define its type (e.g. supplement), brand name and most important features distinguishing it from similar products, such as color, size, consistency, etc. depending on the type of product. Product names are important for positioning in search engine rankings. Detailed product name translates into a high click-through rate.

Connections in this subsection, we have the option of adjusting defined connections.

Product connections can e.g. be applied to the so-called Cross-selling — it is the sale of an additional product or service to customers during one transaction by subconsciously suggesting similar or complementary products to them.

To create a connection, go to Connection Types subsection

Media in this subsection we have the option of adding photos. Make sure they have appropriate resolution.

Stock in this subsection, we determine the stock level for the selected product.

How to activate a product:

To activate a product, go to its edition and define its necessary parameters, including: Availability, Delivery, Price and Channel.

Refund codes:

To create codes for given products, go to -> products section -> product edition, then select Refund Codes.

In the refund codes we define:

the discount percentage and we assign a unique code, marking the given refund accordingly, and the availability of the given refund should also be marked.

Stock In this section, we manage the stock of products. We display a list of products that have an entered / set stock status. Each product can be edited from this level as long as the stock is replenished.

Features — also known as product attributes, defined by the Create button. We can choose the following types: Text, Text Field, Checkbox, Integer Value, Percentage, Date and Time, Date and Definition of several values ​​through the Select button.

Variants — in this section, we define product configuration options, including creating a code for a given series of products, which we can then assign. We determine the display position of a given variant.

What are the variants for?: in this section you define what variants of products you offer in a situation of possession and define specific features that you already have matched to your products. For example, “color” may have the following variants: red, green, yellow.

Connection types — see above info Connections

Producers — In this section, we can create a list of producers which we can then assign to our previously created products or those being currently created.

When creating a producer’s profile, we have available Fields such as Name, Short form, email address, specification of availability and channel selection. For a given manufacturer, we can also upload a logotype and add links to social media and create a description.


In the sales section, as the name suggests, we are fully authorized as an administrator to manage orders and received payments, define the type of transport and accept / process returns from the Customers.

Orders — In this Section, we see a table with columns with the following data:

To go to the details of a given transaction, click the action, then a detailed transaction view opens.

In this subsection, we can cancel the order, return the means of payment, granting e.g. a refund for a given product. Send information about transport, write an e-mail confirming the receipt of the order. Edit the delivery address or view the history of a given user on our e-commerce platform.

Payments — in this section there is a table with information about current transactions, the scope of this section is mainly of a preview character, except for the possibility of executing an Action.

Each transaction can be terminated, regardless of the current status, by pressing the Finish Action, then the status changes as a successfully completed transaction.

Shipments — In this section, we can administer shipments.

For example, in actions that have the ready for shipment status, we can send the shipment tracking code if we have a shipment confirmation from the selected courier.

Returns — In this section, we process the returns we have received from the customer.


This section contains a table with basic customer data such as registration date, email address or name and surname. From the level of this table, we have access to information about the last completed customer order, the amount of money earned and we can edit customer data.

From the customer edition level, we can, among others:

- Subscribe User to the Newsletter

- Uncheck / check customer verification

- Uncheck / check customer activity

Groups section

In this section, we can develop the concept of communication with given user groups. For example, we can define two groups of users: Retail / Wholesale.


Promotions — This section allows you to create promotions for given products.

In the first view, after clicking the section, we have access to current added promotions that we can remove or edit.

When creating a given promotion or edition, we have a number of possibilities:

from determining the priority of given promotion displaying on the website to the limit of using the promotion, including coupons. To create a promotion, we give it a unique code / name and create the so-called rules consisting of displaying and using promotions for a given type of users or variants of actions that have been carried out by a given user so far.

We also define the type of action for a given promotion, e.g. percentage amount of discount for shipping.

Product Reviews

Product review includes the list of the reviews received from the customers in the store. Such opinions can be moderated by the administrator. Each opinion can be edited, deleted or rejected.

Other Sections:

In the administration panel, we also have all the settings and configurations related to the functioning of the store:

  1. Channels — these are targeted data display, starting from the product to the graphic template with the store’s customization, for example, for users from Poland.
  2. Countries, Zones, Currencies
  3. Currency Exchange Rates — In the case of sales in other countries, we have the option of determining the ratio to the currency converter.
  4. Regional settings
  5. Payment methods — list of configured / integrated providers
  6. Shipment categories — defining dimensions of various shipment forms
  7. Tax categories, tax rates
  8. Administrators — the ability to edit administrators and add new ones
  9. Delivery collection points — possibility to add collection points thanks to which the user can specify when making online purchases — picking up the goods in a given, preferred place.

Content Management Section:

In this section, we have the possibility to, among others: Add Media, create simple subpages, Manage FAQs.

In the page section, when creating a subpage, we have, apart from editing and creating content, the possibility of adding images, defining available languages, selecting a channel, publication date, placing a link address, and defining keywords for SEO.

Blog is a similar section to CMS. It has the ability to create and organize articles and manage the comments received.



Soft Gorillas

We are a software house from Poland that is passionate about technology. We support our clients and educate at every stage of cooperation.