Merging Collections in PowerApps: A Comprehensive Guide to Adding Multiple Columns

Software Zone 365
1 min readNov 23, 2023


How to Merge Collections in PowerApps Using AddColumns: A Comprehensive Guide!

Welcome to the ‘Merge PowerApps Collections Guide: A Comprehensive Journey.‘ This guide is dedicated to exploring the intricacies of merging collections in PowerApps using the AddColumns function. This essential technique is pivotal for enhancing data visibility and efficiency by seamlessly joining multiple columns. Our focus will be on the multi-column method within PowerApps to achieve efficient data amalgamation, offering a detailed, step-by-step approach for better comprehension and implementation.

Initial Collections

Let’s consider two sample collections for this demonstration:


ProductID      QuantitySold
1001 4
1002 5
1001 7
1000 1
1000 8


ProductID    ProductName    UnitPrice    Stock
1000 Jacket 70 10
1001 T-Shirt 30 4
1002 Baseball Cap 20 8

Desired Output

After joining the columns, our desired output collection, named myMergedData, will look something like this:

ProductID    QuantitySold    ProductName      UnitPrice     InStock
1001 4 T-Shirt 30 4
1002 5 Baseball Cap 20 8
1001 7 T-Shirt 30 4
1000 1 Jacket 70 10
1000 8 Jacket 70 10

Read full post at: Merge PowerApps Collections Guide: Seamless Data Integration in PowerApps (



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