°°Discrimination against women°°
HistoRical backGrounD;
The roots of discrimination against women are very old and deep which can be seen in the social, economic and political view of the society. Because death-defying behavior is actually a p in our social beliefs. All this marks the unequal rights and privileges of men and women, inequality in the distribution of labor, lcide. Although women and men have equal status. Their roles and responsibilities are equal in the home and social context.
-1 In the begocial status of women was higher than that of men. Women not only take care of the children and the family, collect or gather food. His opinion and judgment were valued. This social superiority of his continued for many years.
-2 The second period was the one in which the hunting began. At first hunting was done lially hunting tools and weapons were invented. In the beginning, hunting was done collm hunting was divided equally among the tribes, that is, at one time one group hunted second and the first group would partake of the meat. As the population grew, the feeling of individuality began to emerge. The man alone took thily and the women took care of raising the children.
The next period then saw social change in which gathering of wild plants and herbs ended and cultivation of crops began. As the poof agriculture and horticulture…