To Be Appreciated… — a short story

Soheil Erfani Tabar
3 min readOct 27, 2023


To Be Appreciated a short story written by Soheil Erfani Tabar
Photo by Osman Rana on Unsplash

In an imaginary world filled with what we can’t see, there once a conversation happened. A special one, actually, one of the ones that you only hear in books or fairy tales. You might ask what made it so special? Well, the characters! They weren’t our casual human beings or one of those elves that we see in Lord of the Rings. They were actually more realistic than any elves or orcs! They were feelings, the ones that we deal with them every day. But it wasn’t just that! There was one more special thing about this conversation: they weren’t just any feelings; they were as opposite as black is to white. They were known to all humans since the beginning; they were why we laugh and why we cry.

Finally, sadness managed to gather itself. Although it took it a long time, it turned to happiness and asked the question occupying its mind. Why do they hate me?; Sadness asked. Happiness, full of energy and hope with that big smile on its face, answered; I don’t think they hate you, mate. I just think they don’t like you being around just that!

That’s not so different from hating something? Heh, me not being around. Those selfish animals, I’m the reason for half of their accomplishments. For them to evolve and find meaning in their lives, and whenever they face me, they treat me like a disease. I’m the reason that made someone a good mother after her harsh childhood. I’m the reason for so many inventions that save people’s lives daily. But in the end, I’m the evil feeling, the worst one of all.

You have to relax, mate; I get you. I really do understand what you are saying. I’m really sorry I can’t do anything about it, but at least I can listen to you, you know? If you want to get some words off your chest. Although I would rather not ruin the mood right now, don’t you? Look at him; at least he is happy now. Isn’t that all that matter?

Sadness and happiness in Soheil Erfani Tabar short story
Photo by Jeff James on Unsplash

Suddenly, a deep silence filled the imaginary world. It was like there was no reason for that conversation to be continued. But sadness tried to break the silence. This time, it wouldn’t stay silent. It couldn’t take it anymore, being treated like Jean Valjean in the Les Misérables. It knew that it wasn’t a bad guy or maybe I have to say a bad feeling! It believed in the fact that if people would actually pay attention to how they were changed for the better by their sufferings and not only paying attention to their tears, they could finally accept it. It was all it wanted, the appreciation of whom that makes it come true.

Maybe that’s what all the feelings really need! To be noticed, thought of, accepted and appreciated. It tried to shout, but no words came out. What happened to its voice? Maybe it just knew that no matter what it says, not everyone would understand it. Perhaps it felt like it was a waste of time; maybe it finally understood how humans think when they are sad.

Soheil Erfani Tabar © 2023. All rights reserved.

