Sol Army Consultation and Accelerator Overview

Sol Army Spec Ops Branch
5 min readMar 9, 2022


The Sol Army Special Ops branch has been diligently planning for the launch of the accelerator and consultation programs which will be starting in Mid-March. We are very excited to be sharing how our program will work, and we are opening applications for projects wanting support beginning March 11th, 2022.

Overall Flow

The Sol Army Accelerator program has two separate branches which are initially divided up between 1. NFT projects with communities and utility, and 2. art-only NFT projects or 1 of 1 artists. The Special Ops branch of the Sol Army primarily focuses on working with full NFT projects with utility whereas the art only projects break off to work with support ops as part of the art-accelerator. The flowthrough of the Special ops Accelerator runs on an 8-week schedule with 4 phases and is outlined as follows:

Image generated by @JeromeNFT

Phase 1: Enlistment

The first step of the acceleration program process is filling out the application form for either the art-accelerator or the special ops accelerator based on the needs of your project. These applications will be open for one week in advance of the 8 week acceleration cycle start. Submissions from projects will be reviewed and projects will be selected at the discretion of The Sol Army team.

The purpose of this initial application is to determine basic project questions that allow the Sol Army to gain a better understanding of the project. This step is in place to filter out projects that clearly do not meet the values of the Sol Army which are innovation, integrity and GOOD VIBES. Applications to the Sol Army accelerator program will be reviewed within the first week of the 8 week cycle. If an application which is submitted by a project is accepted, the project is able to proceed with the first consulting session.

In week 2 of the accelerator cycle we move into the first consultation session. In order to demonstrate our commitment to the process of development in the solana NFT ecosystem and get to know some of the projects better, this consists of a FREE 30 minute consultation session. At the end of this 30 minute session the Sol Army aims to better understand who the team they are working with is, whether they are capable of working within the acceleration environment, and a better sense of the demands and needs of the NFT project in question. At the end of this session, if the Sol Army committee reviewing the project under consultation believes that the project aligns with the values of the Sol Army and has the potential to innovate and revolutionize the NFT space, the project will be invited to continue to Phase 2: Support which involves in depth consultation, and guidance.

Phase 2: Support

Projects that have serious potential to innovate and change the Solana NFT space are considered for this phase after considerable filtering during the enlistment phase. In week 3, the support phase, successful projects will have access to some of the smartest and most experienced individuals in the Sol Army to help with consultation on matters of their NFT project. This consultation period is significantly different from the first 30 minute session in the research phase as this hour long session focuses on diving deep into the projects to tease out potential positives, pitfalls, and points of interest. At the end of this research session, projects will receive a deliverable feedback sheet with exact feedback points, points of interest, as well as numerical scoring in a variety of different categories. This hour long consultation is meant to bring in fresh perspectives from a community known to innovate and push boundaries within the solana ecosystem. After a deep dive in the support phase, projects are then shortlisted and will move into the third phase of the accelerator pipeline: Elections.

Phase 3: Elections

Projects deemed successful and having innovative potential in the support phase will be asked to submit a brief pitch as well as any desirable information which will be put in front of GV pass holders during the election phase in week 4. In this phase, all GV passholders will be able to vote on their favorite projects in order to determine who the community believes they want to see graduate through the accelerator process. Entry and graduation from the accelerator process should be viewed as a rigorous and prestigious process reserved for only the best NFT projects which come through the Sol Army Accelerator/Consulting Pipeline. From the list of projects presented to the Sol Army, 1 project within the first 8 week cycle will graduate to the accelerator. After the initial 8 week cycle, 3 projects from the election process will be able to move onto phase 4, the accelerator.

Phase 4: The Accelerator

Projects which are successfully able to graduate through the first 4 phases are invited to the accelerator program. More details will follow in a second medium article detailing the actual process of the 4 week accelerator but a brief overview is as follows. The accelerator is designed and managed by individuals with previous experience consulting and working with multinational corporations at high levels. The accelerator will follow an ‘agile’ approach comprised of 4 sprints of one week in length. The accelerator will be highly focused development with our team of experts from a variety of backgrounds. Goals will be established at the beginning of each sprint and a full team of Sol Army consultants will be dedicated to ensuring those goals are met. Being a part of the accelerator program is an excellent way to expedite your projects development and propel it’s potential to new unimaginable heights. In addition to this, the Sol Army wants to design this program to set up it’s graduates for success. There will be a variety of perks for projects who are able to make it into, and graduate from Phase 5 of this process which are aimed to ensure the longevity and success of every project which is put through this program. More information and in depth details about the 4 week accelerator phase will be revealed at a later date.

Closing Notes

As mentioned the 8 week cycles of the accelerator/consultation program are set to begin mid March with applications opening March 11th. With a high quality team and many successful products under our belt, we are confident that this accelerator program will be able to launch projects to new heights while enhancing the innovation and integrity of the Solana NFT Ecosystem. The Sol Army is very excited to offer this service as we want to spread GOOD VIBES and GOOD VALUES across the crypto space.



Sol Army Spec Ops Branch

Focusing on innovating and bettering the NFT space through sharing our expertise and guidance with others.