SolStreet June Roundup

V2 Alpha, Hacker Houses, Noncustodial NFT Funds, Wolfies & Updated Tokenomics 🚀
6 min readJul 1, 2022


Gm/Gn, SolStreeters,

Welcome back to our Monthly Roundup series, where we give you the full rundown of where we’ve been and where we’re headed.

This time around?

‘V2 Alpha’, the most significant update to the protocol since our mainnet launch — known to our community as ‘The Big One™’ — arrived on the 8th of June! ICYMI, you can access it here (as well as the legacy version of the protocol here). Navigate the bear market with your hybrid fund — and let us know if the wait was worth it! 🚀 📈

This Roundup may well be the last time we’ll tease you with “very SOON™”, as we’ll be putting the latest version of our enhanced and updated tokenomics — as well as further details on our (utility-rich) Wolfie NFT collection & litepaper- in your hands, early next week!

Other major developments in June? We chewed glass and built like madmen in preparation for Hacker House Barcelona, where we demoed our new, game-changing offering: NON-CUSTODIAL. NFT. FUNDS. Yes, you read that correctly.

Don’t have 5 minutes to spare? Here’s the TL;DR:

  • V2 ALPHA: LIVE & READY FOR ACTION! 💱 As mentioned, June was a huge one for us. The most extensive update to our protocol, ardently referred to as The Big One™ by our SolStreet community, went live in early June — unlocking a suite of enhanced tools and integrations for protocol users.
  • HACKER HOUSIN’: PUTTING US ON THE MAP! 🗺 🏡 Our Product Manager, Alexis Boshoff, set off across Europe to represent and demo the protocol — as well as our newest innovation — at not just one, but two separate Hacker House events.
  • INNOVATIONS SHOWCASED AT HH BARCELONA 🖼 And Alexis didn’t just ‘attend’ the events. We had our dev team take things to the next level to have our latest innovation ready for reveal in Barcelona: Noncustodial NFT Funds.
  • WOLFIES & UPDATED TOKENOMICS: IMPENDING REVEAL! ☄️ It’s been a while coming, and with Q3 now upon us — we’re ready to pull the trigger. This is really it, the final ‘SOON™’. GET READY. WOOF.

A jam-packed June, then. Join us for the full breakdown… 👇


After weeks of planning, preparation, and community and internal testing, The Big One™ is finally here! 📈 The latest version of the SolStreet protocol — which features Mango Market perps/margin, hybrid funds for hedged positions, additional assets and larger baskets, fund forums, and so much more — went live in early June.

Thank you to all that have been with us on the SolStreet journey. ICYMI or have yet to check out the release — you’ll no doubt find that the wait was well worth it!

We appreciate your feedback and remain committed to building out the DeFi asset management protocol which you, our community of SolStreeters, want; so reach out to us on our socials if you have any questions, comments, or recommendations! 🚀 🏗

If you’ve not yet redeemed your funds from the V1 Alpha, you can do so here.


*Not our very own product manager Alexis Boshoff on stage at Hacker House London or anything…* (


*And, again — not Alexis on stage or anything… Certainly not revealing our latest innovation…* 👇 (

In preparation for Hacker House Barcelona, our devs dialled it up to eleven in June, hacking relentlessly to produce something which is — to the best of our knowledge — a first in the space:

Noncustodial NFT Funds*

Similarly to our DeFI protocol, investors will be able to delegate research, decision-making, and management of their NFT investment to those traders with a ‘proven track record’ — all whilst never having to fear being rugged by the manager at the helm of the fund!

No opportunity for rugging? How so? Well, all NFTs investments are safely held in a protocol ‘smart contract’ — and not in the wallet of the fund manager! This means that you enjoy all the upside of NFT exposure through an effortless investment process — and without ever fully relinquishing the ‘custody’ of your investment piece into the hands of those steering the fund!

We’re excited to share our MVP with you all in the coming weeks; in the meantime, keep an eye on our various social channels for further updates on the project.


We’ve said it before, and we’ll repeat it — it’s what drives our protocol, and it’s what we’re working on solving:

“Traditional asset management is slow, expensive, and riddled with red tape.”

We’re turning the table on that narrative. To us, that’s always meant no minimum investments, no expensive management fees, and no withdrawal delays. So, with our V2 Alpha currently live and accessible to all, with these tenets largely in place, you might be left wondering what the next step in our journey is?

We’ve teased and teased — and now you need wonder no more: next week we’ll be releasing more information on the pack of 10 000 Wolfies we’ll be unleashing on the realm of DeFi; Wolfies with the shared directive of bringing asset management into the 21st century!

Why the Wolfie collection? We want to further improve on the ‘ experience’, on the value and usefulness of our STRT token and incentive mechanisms. The utility-rich Wolfie NFTs are the key to unlocking this: they make trading [even] cheaper, they strengthen financial incentives to running or investing in SolStreet pools, and they induct you into the Wolfie Pack — a community that will go down in DeFi history. 🐺

But June wasn’t only spent readying our Wolfies for their mission. We’ve also worked on dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s on one of our most hotly-anticipated works:

SolStreet’s Updated Tokenomics

Wen, wen, wen? Very SOON™. As in early next week. The time has come, and we’re beyond excited to share everything you need to know about what we’re doing at SolStreet. Everything you can expect from our Performance Mining program, what’s meant when we speak of “strong financial incentives to running or investing in SolStreet pools”, and all of $ STRT’s use cases — it’s all in there. 🔥

This is what you’ve been waiting for. GET READY. WOOF.

That’s all from our side, folks! Thank you to everyone that’s been backing us and taking part; we see you! If you don’t already, go ahead and give us a follow on Twitter and join the discussion on Discord and Telegram. If you have questions, recommendations and feedback, reach out to us there.

See you again for July’s Roundup!


  • Total no. of times that we wished each other GM: 1,267 👋
  • Total no. of times that we wished each other GN: 445 💤

*Our team is currently deliberating which terminology would be most appropriate when referring to this project; as such, ‘fund’ is likely to be replaced by a more accurate descriptor in future publications.



Non-custodial asset management and investment protocol that allows anyone to launch a decentralized pool directly to market.