Last Mile Learning: Motorbikes make the sales

Solar Sister
2 min readJan 31, 2018


Solar Sister data shows that mobility, specifically access to motorbikes, is a major factor for success among Solar Sister entrepreneurs serving last mile communities. Mobility is most relevant when it comes to the ability to access a motorbike, known as “boda-boda” in Tanzania or “okada” in Nigeria. Comparing our sales data to transport access, Solar Sister finds that entrepreneurs with access to a motorbike for their businesses outperform all other entrepreneurs, even those with access to a private car or bicycle. These entrepreneurs average 60% higher total sales than entrepreneurs using other forms of transport.

Motorbikes give entrepreneurs the ability to expand their solar and clean cooking businesses by going further than other forms of transportation, especially in rural communities. Motorbikes also become critical when entrepreneurs saturate local markets and need to expand their consumer base.

Cars, however, did not have a significant impact on entrepreneur sales. This may be because entrepreneurs using cars are at a higher income level and participating in Solar Sister’s business opportunity isn’t as critical to them or is a side-activity rather than a necessary livelihood. It may also be because in some rural landscapes, motorbikes are more suited to poor roads or off-road tracks.

The lesson for those catering to last mile communities is to assess what targeted support, beyond access to products and training, can support entrepreneurs in challenging local contexts.

Two Solar Sister entrepreneurs ride a motorbike to their monthly sisterhood meeting in a rural community in Enugu State, Nigeria.

This article is part of a monthly blog series, Last Mile Learning, by Abby Mackey, Solar Sister’s Grants and Impact Manager. Last Mile Learning seeks to share our experiences working with women-run businesses in Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda to better disseminate our data, share lessons with fellow practitioners and build the evidence base for investing in women-centric energy models.



Solar Sister

Light. Hope. Opportunity. Using the power of women's enterprise to distribute clean energy technology in rural Africa.