A peek behind the scenes — what’s coming up on Solverboard for Business

2 min readFeb 16, 2017


We’ve been a bit quiet lately — but don’t be fooled: the reason we haven’t been talking much is that we’re flat out working on some fantastic new features for the whole Solverboard suite. We’re going to be rolling them out over the next few months, and we’ll keep you posted on which features will arrive when, but we wanted to give you an overview of what we’ve got in the pipeline.

If you’d like us to keep you up to date on these new features as they roll out, then do follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Medium or LinkedIn, keep an eye on this blog, or drop us a line and we’ll add you to our newsletter list.

Better design, especially on mobile

We’re refreshing the whole design of Solverboard, adding in extra colours and clearer layouts to make it more user-friendly, and most importantly, making it work beautifully on all mobile devices. This means you can post challenges, share and discuss ideas or submit solutions wherever you are.

A more streamlined process, and different types of challenge

We’re removing certain small features that people weren’t using to make the whole solving process simpler, while simultaneously improving the challenge setting process with more help around framing problems.

As well as these changes, we’re going to offer a range of challenge structures or templates, so you can use Solverboard for Business for anything from getting simple answers to a question to competitive tenders and detailed solutions.

Collaboration and creativity tools

A bit further over the horizon, but very exciting, are our new tools to help you promote collaboration and creativity in your organisation. They’re all a bit hush hush right now, but we’ll be telling you more about those over the coming weeks, so watch this space. We’re also going to implement a new People directory feature, so you can search out innovative people in your organisation according to their skills, along with improved analytics so you can understand more about your organisation’s innovation capabilities.

New marketing site

And finally, if you haven’t already signed up to Solverboard for Business, we’re giving our whole marketing website a facelift to make it easier to understand what it could do for you and your organisation — and to make signing up a breeze.

We’re really excited about all these changes — and looking forward to helping even more of you #getpeoplethinking.

Originally published at Solverboard.




A new innovation management platform which, for the first time, offers leaders of innovation a way to bridge the gap between creativity and actualisation.