Installing and running Celestial using WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) in Windows 10 — Newbie Guide.

6 min readOct 31, 2018


The first thing to do is ensure your Windows 10 is updated( 1607 or above) and it’s a 64bits system.

You can click on the “Config’ icon > About, and you will be able to see if you have that requirement.

If your version is less than 1607, you will need to update through Windows Update.

After confirming, or updating the system, we are ready to install WSL.

First, type PowerShell in the “Search Bar”. You have to click with the right mouse button and then select “More” > “Run as Admininstator”.

Once PowerShell is running, copy and paste this command in a single line:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux

After finished installing, the system will reboot and you’ll have WSL enabled.

Now that we have WSL enabled on our system, we need to install the Linux distro that we want.

For that, go to Microsoft Store through Start menu and type “Linux” in the search bar. There are several distros available, but in this guide we will use Ubuntu 16.04.

Click on Ubuntu icon, and then “GET” to install it.

Wait the installation to finish and a reboot may be asked.

After the distro is installed, there will be the icon to launch it in “Start” menu.

The first time you launch it, it will ask you to create a password. It doens’t appears “***” as you type, so type it, press enter and type the password again.

The first thing to do is update your distro.

sudo apt update

You’ll be asked fot your password everytime you start a new session and run something with “sudo” privileges (It’s like “Administrator” on Windows).

Now our system is ready to work with Celestial.

We are now at our /home/user directory. It would be good if we create a folder to work with Celestial. So we create a new folder called celestial.

mkdir celestial

Done. You can type “ll” to see a list of folder’s content.

To enter a folder you type “cd nameOfFolder”, in our case:

cd celestial

Now we have two options. Build from code, or download the already compiled file.

Glady Celestial dev aways upload pre-compiled file of the newest wallet, and that’s the one we will use. (I will cover how to build from source in another article, let’s keep this onde straight to the point).

To download the latest wallet, we go to

As you can see, version is the latest one, and was updated 4 hours ago. That’s the one.

Now we need to know the address we are pushing this zip file. Simply click with the right mouse button on it ( and select “Copy link address”.

Click with the right mouse button on “”.

Now we go back to linux and type:


To do this, you can type “wget “ and then click with the right mouse button on console, it will paste the link we copied, and hit enter.

It will download the file in the folder we currently are.

Now we install “unzip” to handle this archive. Type this command:

sudo apt-get install unzip

Now we can unzip the file we downloaded.


Now that we have extracted the zip, we can see what is in our folder typing “ll” (without quotes).

After we extracted the, it created a folder with the same name.

We can remove the .zip now. Type:

rm -r

It will be usefull to remove the .zip for later updates of the wallet (assuming it will be this same archive name).

Now we can enter in Linux folder and see what’s inside:

Now, its better for us to work with at least 2 or 3 instances of Ubuntu. There are ways to work with only one instance, but it could be difficulty for first time users, again, we will keep it simple.

First thing we havo to do is run the daemon usind Celestiald. To do so, type the command:

#(note that everytime you want to run a executable, you have to put "./" before the name).

It will start sincyng with the network. Let it be for a while, and launch another instance of Ubuntu.

The message confirms we are successfully sinced with the network, and will start showing the newer blocks.

You will have to navigate to celestial/Linux folder again.

cd celestial/Linux 
#if you entered the wrong folder, you can go back 1 folder typing "cd .." or "cd" to return to initial folder.

Now we have to create a wallet with zedwallet:


We chose the option 2 to create a new wallet, and give a name and a password for it.

It will give all the information you need to restore, import your wallet whenever you need.

The only thing you can share is your “payment address” (in yellow).

The private keys and mnemonic seed is PRIVATE, do not share with anyone, copy it on a paper and store in a secure location.

You will need to copy your “payment address”, you can select it and click with the right mouse button. Save it on a notepad.

Now that we created our wallet we can exit zedwallet choosing the 5 option and see our wallet data in the same folder as the executables.

Now we have everything we need to mine. Remember that the daemon is running on another instance, right? We need it running to mine, since Celestial is solo mining. (Again, we have other options to mine on remote rpc, but let us keep it simple).

We clsed zedwallet and now we are at Linux folder again. To start mining, we need to run the miner(!):

./miner --address YOUR_PAYMENT_ADDRESS --log-level 4 --threads 11

Here we are running the miner (./miner), telling it where the payment goes ( — address), asking for the screen to tell what is going on ( — log-level 4) and setting the resources we would like to use of our computer ( — threads 11), you can use it without this parameter to use all threads (one thread per core), or specify a little less of our number of cores to save resource, it’s your choice.

When we hit enter, a lot of output will show up. You are mining now, times to times your hashrate will show up in green.

Your hashrate will fluctuate a lot during the day. That’s normal and a feature of Celestial algorithm.

Okay, and how to see if we got a block reward?

Now you can open a third instance of Ubuntu only to manage you wallet. Run the zedwallet, and this time we want to open the wallet we created, for this, you choose the option 1. It will ask the name of the wallet your want to open. (If you dont remember, close the wallet and type ll to see folder’s content). It will ask the password you chose while creating it.

After this we can use the option 3 to look at our balance.

Wallet options are very intuitive.

When another wallet update is launched, you can wget it and unzip. It will ask if it overwrite, type A and hit enter. Your wallet will still be there, and you only have to launch the executables again.

PS.: Everytime you need to close any instance, press “ctrl + c” it will shut down the proper way and avoid corrupt the blockchain on your machine, and then you can close the inscance.

That’s it. Have a good time with WSL and Ubuntu, and of course with Celestial.

