The Carbohydrates Disadvantages Discuss in Detail, The Good Carbs vs Bad Carbs

Sonia Khan
2 min readJul 9, 2023

There are two main types of carbohydrates, Good carbs vs bad carbs. Carbs are necessary for our body’s function. But using too many carbs, evil carbs, has many disadvantages.

ISLAMABAD, (ONLINE) — Some people worry about carbohydrates’ disadvantages, that eating too many carbs is bad for them. So, low-carb diets have gained popularity, not just for their ability to facilitate rapid weight reduction. In this edition of Honest Nutrition, we go into the basics of carbohydrate nutrition, contrasting healthy and poor choices and debating whether or not a carb-heavy diet is beneficial.

Several international health agencies, notably the World Health Organization (WHO), have deemed carbohydrates necessary for healthy bodily function (WHO Trusted Source). Their principal function is to fuel every one of the body’s cells. Ketones are an alternate fuel source the body switches to when carbohydrates are unavailable.

Or any molecule in food that contains sugar.

It will take thousands of pages if we discuss the matter in detail about good carbs and bad carbs. We need to write it down here in short form. But to understand it, we will first discuss carbohydrates.

What are Carbohydrates?

Biography of Queen Elizabeth 2

Carbohydrates, by Type; Bad Carbs

Carbohydrates may be divided into sugars, starches, and fiber. Carbohydrates can be further categorized as simple or complex based on the amount and kind of sugar molecules (like glucose) they contain.



Sonia Khan

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