What is Exercise and Meditation? And what are the Challenges and Benefits?

Sophia Bryn
4 min readAug 28, 2024


Keeping our body and mind healthy is one of the biggest challenge to our generation peoples. And we cannot leave everything on the medicines, because every medicines have its own side effects. So best alternate to avoid the medicine is exercise and meditations. Exercise is for the physical health and meditation for the mental health. The combo of exercise and meditation will help you to make fit and boost your energy and power to next level. In this blog I am going to share some insight about the exercise and meditation.

The exercise and meditation are done almost in all country. The method and process of doing yoga and meditation may be different and may be vary from place to place and country to country but its ultimate aim does not change. One example may be helpful to define the aim of exercise and meditation like there are many rivers on the earth and they all are flow from the different path but they all are meets in the sea in last.

What is Exercise and Meditation?

An Exercise is a physical activity which is done for keeping the physical body healthy and energetic. There are many ways to doing the exercise it’s totally depend on your aim behind the doing the exercise. If you are the beginner then exercise must be done under the supervision of good and experienced trainer. There are many people who daily perform exercise with the propose of keeping their body just healthy so this type of people does not need too much expert guidance but if you want to make your body like body builders then should always perform your exercise under the good gym trainer. Because for body building you will be needed more guidance and comprehensive diet chart.

Meditation is process to keep your mind healthy and focused. Inner peace is very important in everyone’s life. Mind is totally invisible so it’s very hard to control our minds. There are many methods to control our minds but meditation is one of the powerful tool out of them.

Challenges That Comes During Exercise and Meditation?

There are the people who lives around us if you will meet them and ask their experience then they will share their good and bad experience. So these challenges are people’s experience which I am sharing here.

1- Beginning Of Exercise and Meditations:

When I meet the people and tells them the benefits of exercise and meditation then mostly people feels regret that why they did not start exercise and yoga start yet? Even we also feel this very time. So there is no good time to start it, for starting it you should consider every time is good and take it as opportunity.

2- Punctuality:

If you have already joined the exercise or meditation then punctuality is one of the biggest challenge. You will feel many times that many unwanted excuses idea will come to your mind not to attend the exercise and meditation.

3- Time Management:

Time management play very essential role to achieve goal. Time management is very important to make any business successful. If you are student, employee, employer, or house wife then you will have to find some precious time for yourself from your busy schedule. Morning time is very good for exercise or meditation then try to find some morning time.

4- 100 % Dedication:

Dedication is must for any work but if it comes to exercise or meditation then 100% dedication is must and try to make it as hobby. If you give the 100 dedication to exercise or meditation then you your dedication will be 100% to any work which you have included in your life. So 100% dedication is must for taking your experience at the next level.

5- Uncomfortable Or Discomfort:

If you feel any uncomfortable or discomfort then always talk about the problem to your trainer, he will suggest you that what precautions should be taken during the exercise or mediation. If treatment is going on then must consult to your doctor as well.

Benefits of Exercise and Meditation?

There are so much benefits of doing Exercise and Meditation, some of them sharing below.

1- Healthy Body and Mind:

As we all know that it’s been said that the health is wealth. So our health is our biggest wealth. If you want to make more wealth then you will have to keep your body healthy which will be possible with the help of exercise and mediation.

2- Responsibility:

If you are fit then you will be able to wear all the responsibility towards you self, family, society and nation. If you will be physically and mentally fit then you will be able to take these responsibility. Think if you have taken any responsibility in past and completed that successfully, you will get you were satisfied and happy. So responsibility makes you happy.

3- Taking Risk:

If you will be physically and mentally fit then your IQ and forecasting skill be at next level. By using that skills you will take risk and decisions according to the situations.

4- More Calm And Relax:

It has seen that the physically and mentally fit peoples are more calm and relaxed. If you want to take good decisions then you will have to calm and cool in every situations.


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