Things You Didn’t Know You Can Buy with Bitcoin Today

2 min readOct 31, 2018


Back in November 2008 a whitepaper appeared mentioning a Peer to Peer Electronic Cash system. This was the beginning of the Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency of popular knowledge at that moment.

In the beginning not so many people picture the benefits of the digital asset for society. In 2010, when the first known commercial transaction using bitcoin take place, a programmer paid two pizzas with 10,000 bitcoins!

Slowly but steady bitcoin started to gain its place through all type of investors that saw the potential og the digital asset. Since 2013 you can pay with bitcoins to get some food at Subway at Allentown, Pennsylvania. And in 2016 Netherlands’ Burger King started accepting bitcoin as a payment method, you could get one free Whopper for every Whopper purchased with the digital currency.

The popularity of the cryptocurrencies is growing each day. Bitcoins and Altcoins are one of the main interests on today’s investors and traders all over the world.

By holding a digital wallet today you can get beer and snack at Great Lost Bear in Portland, Maine, a glass of Swiss’s wine, taxi’s ride in Argentina or Hungary or basically everything in Japan.

The luxury lovers can get a Tesla 3, the Rolex of your preference at, liposuctions or even a luxury pent house in the Big Apple or Australia paid in bitcoin. And this is just the beginning of the influence in our daily life of the new trend.

If you are thinking on investing in crypto be aware that with bitcoin you also can: make donations, use it on craigslist, get airplane or Powerball tickets and pay for tuition in universities like Cumbria University in England , The University of Nicosia in Cyprus and European School of Management and Technology.

The demand for cryptocurrencies are clearly increasing and its future is not less than promising. People is investing in the digital assets everyday and merchants welcome it as a payment method all over the world. There is no doubt the future of the financial market is opening a door for the technology to take part as a main protagonist in the coming years.




Bitcoin lover. Crypto addict. Motivational speaker. Life coach. Futurist. Outgoing. Enthusiast. Philosopher. Trying to keep it positive. Obsessed with Success