Instacontent: SnapChat, Periscope, and more ways to make content NOW! (Workshop)

Michael Sorg
1 min readDec 22, 2015


This is part of a monthly series of educational seminars covering a host of audio and video podcasting topics, as well as social media and website how-tos. Seating is limited to allow attendees to get the most out of a small group seminar, including informal discussion with a question and answer portion.

This seminar event will cover the concept of Insta-content. Snapchat has captured the attention of the youth and Millenials with quick, expiring content. Periscope and similar apps allow us to stream in mere moments to a worldwide audience. How do these and other tools fit into your message and connecting with others online?

Sidekick Media Services
Thursday, January 7, 2016 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (EST)
Work Hard Pittsburgh
744 East Warrington Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15210

Get Tickets Here

Webinar Details Coming Soon!

Price includes seminar materials.

The seminar will be led by Katie Dudas and Michael Sorg.

Katie Dudas is a a Soclal Media Manager and has worked on campaigns with New Sun Rising and The Scarehouse.

Michael hosts, engineers, posts, and/or advises on a minimum of 12 podcasts for his own network and clients every week in the fields of technology, entertainment, healthcare, and more.

If you can’t make it for the live seminar, a follow-up webinar of the event is also available.

Discover more tips and tricks for FREE at!

Have questions about Instacontent: SnapChat, Periscope, and more ways to make content NOW! (Workshop)? Contact Sidekick Media Services

Originally published at



Michael Sorg

Talk wrestling, tech, comics. Video Producer and Creative Media via @sorgatronmedia (need any help?) ~ New follower? Whats your fave cereal?