Video goes Virtual and 360. Are you ready with your idea?

Michael Sorg
2 min readDec 11, 2015


From the Sorgatron Media Creators Newsletter List for December 11, 2015. You can Subscribe to it here or read the archive!

Virtual Reality or 360 Video?

You may be hearing those buzz words floating around these days. Virtual Reality has been a hot term you may be tired of since the 90’s pipe dream of the Lawnmower Man.

Bad example.

But recently I DID get my hands on both the Samsung Gear and the Google Cardboard. And these are not even the full experience we look forward to with the upcoming Oculus Rift. Both were low resolution, but the function was there that finally gave you an idea of the promise.

But more accessible than a cardboard box that turned your cell phone into a face appliance was a look at 360 video. My first glimpses at this included the famous Star Wars demo on Facebook and the Ask Gary Vee episode with this tech. This started tickling my brain a little on the possibilities.

What can we do with this? Why would we do something with this? What clients are there that I haven’t discovered yet. My city is prime example of something that could be filmed in this way. VR helmets and Cardboard are the ideal method to take a look at these. But take a minute. Go to the Youtube page for #360video on both your cell phone and on your computer. Notice how it works. Holding out a phone in front of you could be fairly functional.

You can sit right there just like the recent Presidential Debate, or right on stage during your favorite concert. Maybe in the future we can be above mid ring during a Mixed Martial Art fight of WrestleMania for a premium.

Cameras hit the high (but certainly not the highest) range with the Google pushed GoPro JUMP Camera system. But can hit the rock bottom of $200 for the rest of us with the Ricoh Theta.

So what do we get to make next?

What do you want me to cover in future newsletters? Let me know here!

Originally published at



Michael Sorg

Talk wrestling, tech, comics. Video Producer and Creative Media via @sorgatronmedia (need any help?) ~ New follower? Whats your fave cereal?