Chiron in Aries — The Origin of the Shadow Self (And How to Integrate It) Part 1

DeVera Henderson
4 min readApr 6, 2024


Photo by: IUshakovsky from Getty Images

The devil made me do it!

Is what you wish you could say during one of those moments.

When you do something so off kilter. So out of left field and that makes no sense.

But also doesn’t do you any favors.

And the craziest part? You keep doing it!

End one bad relationship just to dive into the next.

Burning money that was dogged eared for something important.

Going cold turkey on junk food - only to wind up halfway through a tub of ice cream that evening.

Everyone has had a moment like this.

You do something that doesn’t serve you. Know it doesn’t and have done it more than once. And probably don’t even know why you did it.

It’s completely irrational.

Figuratively and literally.

Whenever you find yourself doing things that don’t make sense. Especially when there’s a pattern.

The irrational part of your mind is running the show.

Now we can talk about the Default Mode Network. The autopilot that comes online whenever you aren’t intentionally focusing your attention on something.

Because it is part of the reason your brain gets hijacked into bad choices.

However the true source of these unconscious behaviors stems from the conditioned self.

The you that you “learned” to be, that covers up your core personality.

Your shadow.

What is the shadow?

It’s a combination of limiting beliefs, energy blocks and unconscious behaviors that become a barrier to your highest potential.

When I first started (unknowingly) doing shadow work. I thought it was just your habits.

But the rabbit hole goes much deeper than that.

In fact — once you can recognize an unconscious pattern.

The pattern itself has deviated far from the root cause.

The root cause is the initial beliefs that shaped your view of the world. Along with your place in it.

Now not every belief we gained early on is bad. However there are some that are inherently limiting.

These limiting beliefs are the root cause of unconscious patterns.

Because overtime these beliefs spam your Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS). Aka your fear response center.

And this response to fear starts to disrupt your subtle body.

Quote from Margaret Lynch Raniere’s book Unblocked. “Sometimes a battle erupts between a conscous desire or goal and our unconscious that registers the goal as threatenting, dangerous, or something that, if achieved, will be somehow painful.”

Your subtle body is pure energy. And interruptions in energy become blockages over time.

And in turn, those blockages eventually become unconscious behaviors. That gives you mixed results for your intention. At best.

Almost like playing a game of telephone with yourself.

So what’s the solution?

Are you screwed if you got saddled with wonky programming early on?


In fact, I’d argue that this is the perfect time in history to challenge programmed limiting beliefs.

There are so many tools out there — that it can be overwhelming.

But the key is to focus on the core belief over the method.

Once you identify the core limiting belief for what it is. You will know the appropriate action to take to rewire it out.

And you can figure out what this core limiting belief is in your natal chart.

Look no further than the asteroid Chiron.

Wherever Chiron falls in your natal chart, holds the key to any unconscious conditioning driving you.

This conditioning is what I call “fear scripts”

The beliefs that trigger your SNS when you “go off script”.

That is, do something that your unconscious mind was conditioned to see as a threat (whether that’s true or not).

You may not know the exact content. But it can give you the context you need to take action.

Because the truth is, fear scripts — along with their energetic & behavioral fallouts — don’t go away.

They only get stronger over time until you deal with them.

So leverage this upcoming Chiron conjunct the New Moon (Moon conjunct the Sun) energy in Aries.

Explore where your intentions are being blocked. Where you may feel subtly miffed about doing something for yourself.

And look at where Chiron falls in your natal chart.

Here’s a free birth chart generator:

Next time, I’ll share the 12 fear script types that stem from your natal Chiron’s house placement.



DeVera Henderson

On a mission to help lightworks align with their purpose. Personal development is my jam - woo woo & science! Healing the world one resolved shadow at a time.