Cosmic April Fool’s — Navigating the First Mercury Retrograde of 2024

DeVera Henderson
3 min readMar 30, 2024


Horoscope of first Mercury retrograde of the 2024–25 Zodiac Cycle.
Photo from:

It’s finally time for our first Mercury Retrograde of the 2024–25 Zodiac cycle!

So what is a Retrograde planet? There’s two ways to look at this.

Astronomically — it’s when a planet appears to be moving backwards from your position on earth.


It’s when a planet’s energy stops functioning outward and moves inward.

So what the planet normally helps us do, seems to break down and start wreaking havoc.

But in truth — the energy of the planet is more spiritual.

Which doesn’t always translate smoothly in the material world.

Hence why Mercury retrograde in particular gets a bad rap. Because not only does it go retrograde the most.

But it deals with thinking, logic and communication.

Things that are very noticable when they go off kilter!

With Mercury gearing up to go Retrograde this coming Monday 4/1.

Prepare for some sparks to fly!

Mercury represents our ability to communicate & our default state of mind.

And being in the sign of Aries in the 5th house — can bring the drama.

Aries represents the ego and the 5th house our self expression.

A strong planet in this situation would have a great time. (If it’s not weakened in Aries)

Acting on desires — and being able to express yourself as an individual.

But when weakened, a planet’s vibes can fall prey to arrogance / aggression.

Mercury being the planet in question, requires very mindful communication.

This is extra emphasized with Mars’ position when this retrograde goes exact.

With Mars sitting pretty in the house of communication (3rd). While also being in the sign of oneness / consciousness (Pisces).

Communication snafus can sneak up if you’re not mindful.

Adding to the mix is Venus leaving her lovely position in Pisces.

And moving into her detriment Aries on April 5th. Being in this sign puts Venus in a bit of a bind.

Why does this matter?

Because Venus represents our ability to love. As well as our relationships with our closest connections (not just romance).

Communication breakdown can have a bristly effect on your relationships this time around.

So how do you get through this Mercury retrograde?

Navigating this Mercury retrograde can be helped with two things:

  1. Setting boundaries to avoid future anger.
  2. Being clear and direct in your communication — but also compassionate.

Do NOT let things fester by avoiding them. And — focus on non-violent communication techniques.

Instead of criticizing (though tempting as it may be right now), focus on directing attention to what you need.

And remember — Mercury retrograde doesn’t mean your computer / car / communication “must” glitch out.

The key to navigating any energy is to know what you’re facing. (Which you now do!)

Lastly, depending on your own natal chart lineup — the impact can vary.

So don’t sweat it!

Just bring awareness to your conversations. And you’ll be just fine until Mercury goes Direct again (moving normally) on 4/24.



DeVera Henderson

On a mission to help lightworks align with their purpose. Personal development is my jam - woo woo & science! Healing the world one resolved shadow at a time.