How to Achieve Your Goals (And Make Massive Progress in 90 Days or Less) Part 1

DeVera Henderson
3 min readMar 14, 2024


Photo by: XtockImages from Getty Images

“I don’t know what’s next for me.”

That crushing feeling of being stuck. Not happy where you are, but not sure where to go.

You have these big, inspired dreams. But then reality hits you in the face.

The timing is off. Maybe you’re not ready to make the change. You’re just not sure how to get from point A or B.

Or worse — maybe you’ve realized what you thought was the right path was dead wrong.

Whether boredom based confusion, or dead end drama, one move will absolutely not help you.

Avoiding reality and tuning out.

A classic Pisces move — when we’re out of tune with ourselves.

You’re inspired — but trying to design your goals based on your current circumstances.

When you try to stuff the guidance from Pisces into a box. Pisces can’t work like that.

The solution?

Divergent thinking.

Allowing yourself to dream beyond “reality”. To imagine yourself having, doing and being what you want.

Zero restraints.

Checking “realistic” at the door. Because judgement and creativity can’t operate together. Like trying to run left and right at the same time.

Shut off judgement so you can hear.

There’s something that drives you. That dwells deep within. A guiding voice calling you to your highest potential.

This is the voice that you want to listen to when making decisions about your next steps.

And decisions need to be made soon!

Next week we begin a new zodiac cycle in Aries. This is prime time to set your year right.

Aries gives you a burst of energy.

Energy that you can use to build momentum on your goals. But — that only works if you have clear priorities!

You don’t want to be thinking about what to do when it’s time to take action.

So while we still have the energy of Pisces opening us up to our inner guidance.

Now is the time to get clear on what you want for the year ahead. Create a vision for your ideal future.

Before you get started, I invite you to find a quiet, comfortable place. You want to be relaxed — it’s easier for your creative juices to flow.

You can even turn on some relaxing music to set the mood.

The first step: decide your destination.

When creating your vision — the how is not important. Just focus on WHAT you want. And WHY.

Answer these questions and write them down to start shaping your vision:

  1. What do you want to have, be or do?
  2. How will you feel when you get there?
  3. Why do you want these things?

No timeline, judgements, expectations, nor limits.

Just list out everything that you want, why you want them. And how you want to feel when you get there.

Be as vivid as possible!

The second step: decide when you want to achieve your vision.

Is it next year? The next 90 days? Next month? The next two weeks?

There’s no wrong answer. Even if it feels unrealistic — just write down your intentions.

Writing things down triggers your subconscious mind.

Kickstarting its problem solving ability. Which will help you figure out the HOW when you turn your vision into goals.

You should now have a vision with a timeline. Reflect on it. More ideas can bubble up.

Again, even if you’ve been feeling stuck, bored or avoiding it all. Having a clear vision is your first step to getting back on track.

Congratulations on doing the first step of achieving your future goals.

Yep — it was that simple!

Having a vision is crucial.

Your vision guides all of your decision making processes.

And serves as your primary motivation — especially while building momentum.

Next time I’ll show you how to transform your vision into an actionable 90 day roadmap.



DeVera Henderson

On a mission to help lightworks align with their purpose. Personal development is my jam - woo woo & science! Healing the world one resolved shadow at a time.