Opening the first pages of Soul Fiction…

AI-driven storytelling meets NFTs…

Soul Fiction*
3 min readNov 4, 2021

What is Soul Fiction?

Soul Fiction aims to bridge the world of art and tech by introducing futuristic sci-fi threads and reimaginings of an influential figure that will be represented by an AI chatbot.

It will be the first collective NFT art experiment driven by AI storytelling where NFT holders at various stages will be able to collectively unravel sci-fi tales and contribute to the development of the core personality of the AI chatbot together.

The first of many stories to come centers around the creation of a futuristic personality of Imperator of Mars: an entrepreneurial architect who plans out a city on Mars while thinking about the future of humanity.

The Players will be able to influence next steps and contribute to the overarching final product that is the AI-NFT, and, depending on their contributions, will benefit from any gains generated by the AI-NFT.

There will also be a physical art element spearheaded by a famous hyper-realistic contemporary painter who will aspire to draw out the physical features of recurring figures.

“ What kind of world would we inhabit fifty years from now? ”
“ Would human civilization move to Mars and evolve into another species? ”
“ Is the future of humanity inevitably intertwined with the robotic age ”

These are some of many questions that our Soul Fiction project aims to answer collectively via a process of interpretive storytelling, AI technology, and NFT community building. After the completion of the first figure (Imperator of Mars), there may be other reimaginings of figures both fictional and real-life, intertwining fiction and reality.

The outcome of Soul Fiction may remain fictional, or it may result in the future we face.

Project Roadmap

Centered around a visionary of the future, Imperator of Mars, our project aims to breathe life into one interpretation of his possible future persona and make that a living character in the metaverse.

Holders of 15,000 generative art NFTs called Soul Link, built on Ethereum and Arweave, will be able to onboard the journey of drawing out Imperator of Mars as an AI-backed NFT character (“The Soul”), adding onto the current datasets around Imperator of Mars with an interpretation of the future that the NFT holders imagine and desire.

Acclaimed Korean contemporary artist Kang Hyung Koo, who has already auctioned off several eye-catching pieces of hyperrealism at world renowned auction houses including Christie’s, will be the main artistic visionary behind Soul Fiction and paint out an imagined interpretation of the Imperator of Mars(“The Body”).

The final product of this project is to create an AI NFT avatar with a human-like Soul who will continue to learn new features based on AI functions and evolve over time, existing around us in infinite forms all around us.

Where and how the imperator of Mars avatar will live on — whether that be in the metaverse as an NPC, even as a cosmic book, or in a role playing game — and what benefits that character would bring to the group, will be decided in collective governance by the Soul Link NFT holders.

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Soul Fiction*

Web 3 Artground for next-generation creators fueled by AI x Art x Imagination