The Non-Consensual S&M Relationship Between Europeans and the Rest of Humanity

Soul Sista #1
2 min readJun 10, 2019
Sadomasochism (S&M): the derivation of sexual gratification from the infliction of physical pain or humiliation either on another person or on oneself.

During the dark ages, Europe was a shithole full of wretched barbarians whose pastimes included religious intolerance and inventing new ways to torture each other. It was a time of debauched sexual frenzy and countless people were kept in dungeons, tortured, beaten and killed in the process.

Some of the persecuted subordinates wanted to switch roles, so they escaped and sailed the world looking for others to play their S&M games with.

Everywhere the immigrants went they found humans who had no idea what sadomasochism was and only killed others during wars or to sacrifice them to the Gods. Otherwise, they lived simple, carefree lives.

Before long, the natives regretted not killing their European visitors on sight when they discovered how much they enjoyed committing S&M crimes against humanity for kicks and their only import was greed. Unfortunately, their descendants inherited these traits.

During consensual S&M relationships, the participants agree who will be the dominant master and who will be the subordinate servant, but Europeans have changed the rules. They do not care if those they wish to dominate have no interest in playing their sick sex ‘games’.

