Ted Cruz p0wned in the same way I p0wned a jackass co-worker in 2000

1 min readMay 6, 2016


Back in the late 90s I worked with a dude I did not like much who talked smack about me after I left the job for greener pastures.

In 2000 he ran for Senate as a Libertarian but forgot to register (hisname).com. So I did and put up a parody site.

The site was discovered by a co-worker on Election day who made the obvious ‘.com instead of .org’ mistake. This spread around the office and I was told there was much merriment. For _almost_ everybody, anyway.

Apparently, here we are 16 years later, and Ted Cruz makes the same mistake. So much for the ‘Cruz Crew’s data savvy.

(In case it’s changed:)




Day job: Data dude. By night: hacker, hype man for Bloominglabs. Love my wife, kid, and dog (RIP Rocky). Fan of running, comedy, The Best Show, and more.