State Director Chris Covert Statement on Photos at The Citadel

1 min readDec 27, 2015


CHARLESTON, S.C. — South Carolina for Bernie Sanders state director Chris Covert on Friday released the following statement in response to photos of cadets at The Citadel dressed in white hoods:

“The South Carolina for Bernie Sanders campaign is deeply disturbed by the photographs of students at The Citadel dressed up in white hoods to resemble members of the Ku Klux Klan. We commend the administration’s swift action to suspend the students involved and are monitoring the investigation closely. This type of hate speech has no place in our country and we must work tirelessly to root out the ugly stain of racism that continues to exist in institutions across America. We echo the calls of The Citadel Minority Alumni Association and local community leaders and demand the immediate removal of the Confederate Naval Jack flag from Summerall Chapel on Citadel’s campus.”

