CgsdHiou §The real number axis is the imaginary parabolic axis §upper bound on real numbers §Newton’s first law reformulated: for inertial motion, the imaginary projection of an object follows a parabolic path

Zenghao Yao
2 min readJun 2, 2023


CgsdHiou §The real number axis is the imaginary parabolic axis §upper bound on real numbers §Newton’s first law reformulated: for inertial motion, the imaginary projection of an object follows a parabolic path

真实世界的实数,虚数对应的抛物线 x²=2cy,c为光速

Real numbers in the real world correspond to parabolic motion with x²=2cy, where c is the speed of light.


(Newton’s first law reformulated: for inertial motion, the imaginary projection of an object follows a parabolic path. The area of ether expelled by the motion corresponds to the Archimedean triangle.)

准线 x_R=-\frac{c}{2},准线为实数轴

The axis of symmetry is x=-c/2, which corresponds to the real number axis.

普朗克点的可能性一 (x_0,y_0)=(\sqrt{2cL_p},L_p)


For Plank’s point Possibility One (x_0,y_0)=(sqrt(2cL_p), L_p), the maximum real number is R_{MAX} = c*(-c/2+sqrt(2cL_p))/L_p.

普朗克点的可能性二 (x_0,y_0)=(L_p,\frac{{L_p}²}{2c})


For Plank’s point Possibility Two (x_0,y_0)=(L_p, L_p²/(2c)), the maximum real number is R_{MAX} = (2c²)(-c/2+L_p)/(L_p²).

