U.S. State Names that Come from Spanish

Spain’s influence can be seen across the United States, where it has been present over the course of history. As a result, there are countless states, cities, and counties with names of Spanish origin, mainly in the Southwest. Can you think of which states these might be?

Embassy of Spain USA
2 min readDec 19, 2016


There are two explanations for the origin of the name Arizona: either from árida zona, meaning arid zone in Spanish, or from a Spanish word of Basque origin that means The Good Oak.


To find the origin of California, we should recall the name of a fictional island country mentioned in Las Sergas de Esplandián, a popular Spanish chivalric romance written by Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo, which was published in 1510.


The name Colorado means red colored or “ruddy.” It was named after the Colorado River, whose waters were of that color.


In the beginning, Florida was named Pascua Florida by explorer Ponce de Leon on Easter in 1513. This expression means “Flowery Easter” or “Flowering Easter” due to Spain’s Easter celebration.


The name of this U.S. state is latinized from Spanish, meaning “mountainous.”


This name comes from the Spanish mountain range called Sierra Nevada, meaning “snow-covered mountain range.”

New Mexico

New Mexico is a comes from Spanish the words Nuevo México.

