Published inSparcIt BlogHello — I’m a bot. I’ll be interviewing youHello, my name is HARRI — I am your interviewer.Jan 29, 2017Jan 29, 2017
Published inSparcIt BlogMachine Learning & Big Data in HR: Are they Overhyped?Over the last decade, there has been many talks about big data and machine learning in HR. Are they overhyped? Oh, we are just looking at…Jan 26, 20171Jan 26, 20171
Published inSparcIt BlogCreative Talents: A MUST for PR & Creative AgenciesAs recruiters, our mission is to build relationships with the best and greatest talent in the industry. Our mission is also to build…Jan 25, 2017Jan 25, 2017
Published inSparcIt BlogTalent Managers: Brace and embrace the future2017 is upon us. It will be an exciting year. There will be a floodgate of tools in the talent management sector. After years and years of…Jan 5, 2017Jan 5, 2017
Published inSparcIt BlogWhy organizations need divergent thinkers?Creativity is undoubtedly an asset in the workplace, not only just for individuals but also for organizations. It’s positively correlated…Sep 20, 2016Sep 20, 2016
Published inSparcIt BlogTechnology to the Rescue: The Rise of Divergent Thinking TestsCreativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things. The relationship between the two is clear: Innovation is the…Sep 14, 2016Sep 14, 2016
Published inSparcIt BlogWhy Divergent Thinking tests are not widely used?Today’s global companies are looking for employees and managers who can move and operate in different countries, make decisions in…Sep 6, 2016Sep 6, 2016
Published inSparcIt BlogDivergent Thinking: How do your DT abilities affect your work?In one of the previous posts, we discussed the 4Ps of Creativity — Process, Person, Press and Product. Although the model focuses on all…Aug 30, 2016Aug 30, 2016
Published inSparcIt BlogWhat improves one’s creative abilities? Brief description of Divergent and Convergent thinkingIn the previous post, we discussed the 4Ps of Creativity — Process, Person, Press and Product. As was discussed, the Person is the…Aug 23, 2016Aug 23, 2016
Published inSparcIt Blog4Ps of Creativity: What are They?Creativity is an intangible characteristic that most organizations aim to cultivate. So much of what makes an organization succeed — the…Aug 18, 2016Aug 18, 2016