What is PPC & Why it is Important For You?

3 min readJul 8, 2022


PPC stands for pay-per-click advertising. You need to pay some amount to Amazon for your product ranking, every time somebody clicks on the ad, you will be charged for your bid. One of the most popular PPC channels is Amazon Pay-Per-Click Campaigns.

Over the years, pay per click advertising has proven its worth as one of the best and most cost-effective online marketing strategies. PPC advertising allows businesses to take charge of their ad spend and get their brand offerings in front of the right people at the right time and in the right place.

Pay per click marketing provides you with laser-targeted visibility, which speeds up the customers’ buying journey and boosts your conversion rate.

In an ideal world, combined SEO and PPC advertising strategies work best at driving targeted results. Integrated SEO and PPC campaigns offer maximum visibility, drive relevant traffic and deliver long-term benefits. However, if you have a short window to promote your brand offerings and make an impact on your niche market, pay per click internet marketing might be the best option for you.

A major challenge that a lot of Amazon sellers face is how to effectively market their products online.

So, if people don’t know what you are selling, how do you expect to make a sale?

Fortunately, the answer lies in Amazon Pay-Per-Click campaigns, also known as sponsored ads.

Before we dive deep into PPC campaigns, let’s understand, why you need one and what is your objective?



The launch phase is where you launch a product effectively and gain sales momentum.


The growth phase is where you focus solely on search engine optimization for organic ranking.


The scaling phase is where you aggressively start getting sales in a short period of time.

So, once you know what goal you want to achieve, you can structure your PPC campaigns and optimize them accordingly.

Understanding the basics of PPC campaigns

Two types of ad campaigns:




As its name implies, it is completely automatic. These are the campaigns where Amazon does most of the work. All you have to do is set a budget.

Once you set up automatic campaigns, Amazon will go through your product listings and find relevant keywords to display your ads. Since Amazon is essentially crawling through your product title, description, bullet points, and backing keywords to find those relevant keywords, it’s absolutely important for you to include high-impact, highly-searched keywords in your product listing. Automatic campaigns serve as an excellent method to discover new long-tail keywords that you probably would have never guessed. However, automatic campaigns require little to no management effort. Since the targeting is poor, the return on investment is also very poor, but it can be used to mine gold by looking a high- performing searched terms.


The rule of thumb is to be lower for automatic campaigns as it leads to higher costs due to irrelevant impressions and non-converting clicks. Manual campaigns, on the other hand, are like Snipers allow you to choose your target audience and target them with the right set of keywords. There are a couple of features that help you choose the right set of keywords in several apps that as product keyword and keyword research. Otherwise, you can also mine for golden keywords with the help of your automatic campaigns by analyzing them and finding out the right set of keywords that are bringing in the most sales.

PPC campaign is also about being visible to the right sort of audience that you know for a fact is looking for your product.

If you choose to outsource your Amazon PPC experts, make sure you choose SPCTEK. Not all firms are equal and it can be difficult to weed through them. Get free consultation from our experts. If you’re interested in learning more about what it’s like to have SPCTEK handle your PPC Campaigns, reach out to us at www.spctek.com.




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