America’s Digital Dumping Ground

2 min readApr 26, 2017


An analysis of Guiyu, China and the systems that allowed it to happen

Hey #WSP101, it seems that this Medium post didn’t survive the wifi crash on Monday. I’ve copied it below and this new article should work like normal.

Every year, American’s throw out more than 150 million cell phones.

Seriously, 150,000,000.

And that’s just phones. Around the world, people are getting rid of old phones, computers, TVs, fridges, washing machines, etc. at such a fast pace that it leads to shocking numbers.

So where do all those discarded devices end up?

That’s what I’d like to focus on my for 2o minute lesson.

I’ll explain:

  • what our current methods are,
  • why they’re so messed up,
  • what happens when things get out of hand,
  • and what we can do to make changes.

I’m looking forward to lots of good questions and meaningful class discussion! See you on Thursday!


Here’s the most important part of your homework: Resist the urge to do more research before my presentation.

I’ve purposefully assigned information that will give you a basic overview. I’ll go into depth during my lesson. Don’t click on any related videos or links until after my lesson, only do the three things below:

  1. Please watch this video.

2. Please read this short article. It will provide you with some key background information that will give my presentation some context.

3. Please post a short response to Medium including:

  • Your best guess as to how much e-waste is produced globally per year
  • Your best guess as to how much e-waste you think you produced last year
  • How did you dispose of it?

The world is facing a serious electronic waste issue. Let’s talk about it.

