Cracking the Code

Jake Roberts: unlocking the future with programming

Sphero Edu
3 min readAug 26, 2015

Kids these days are big fans of technology. The games, apps, and websites they use are all created by computer programmers. The fusion of technology and toys is inspiring tomorrow’s innovators to unlock the future with programing. You don’t need to be a genius to know how to code, you have to be determined.

Learning requires commitment and initiative and oftentimes you need a role model to inspire you. We talked with Jake, a 16 year old mentor to aspiring programmers, about why he started coding and how it will impact his future.

When did you start learning how to program? What or who inspired you to learn?
My freshman year of high school. I had always had an interest in the topic but never really dug into it on my own. I took a class called Intro to Programming and it really stuck to me, and I have loved it since.

I love sharing knowledge with kids. I also want to be the cool teacher with all the robots and fun computer activities!

What is the first thing you coded?
Like most programmers my first thing I coded was a Hello World program. Mine was a graphical display though because I thought just making a computer say Hello World was too easy!

What was the first programming language you learned and what is your favorite language to use? Python 2.0. Python was the language being taught in my class and it turns out to be a really easy language to learn and remember. My favorite language is a tie between C++ and HTML because you can do so many different and amazing things in these languages.

What is the coolest thing you ever made? A simple search and find app for an iPhone. The premise was just a game to play but it never got too complicated. Sadly it did not make it onto the app store!

If you had infinite resources what would you build? I would build a place with all sorts of robotics and computers for kids everywhere to come into and learn how to use. I would want it to be free and a fun environment for learning our future!

What projects are you currently working on?
I am making a website for my sister’s radio show, creating and learning Java programming, and some other Robotics oriented projects at the Innovation Center at my school. One of the main things I am helping with at the Innovation Center is getting robotics into classrooms and into a daily lesson plans using robots like NAO, Sphero, and Cubelets!

What do you find most challenging about programming? Remembering exactly everything you need to get your program to actually do what it is supposed to do! I often find myself having to revisit my program to fix a small piece of code that I had previously forgotten.

What is your favorite toy right now? A small toy drone I received for my birthday not too long ago. It’s a lot of fun to mess with my family and friends. I plan on programming it so it can fly on its own.

What is your dream job for the future?
My dream job is to be an Elementary or Middle School teacher, simply because I love sharing knowledge with kids. I also want to be the cool teacher with all the robots and fun computer activities!

What advice would you give other young students wanting to learn how to code? Be patient. There’s a lot more to programming than it originally seems! But always remember you will be an outstanding coder when you put time into it!

