What Will You Create: Robin Hosemann

Sphero Edu
4 min readJul 30, 2015

Sparking curiosity and new possibilities

Library media specialist, rural educator, mother, and innovator. Robin Hosemann was an early adopter of SPRK and was featured in our SPRK Education Program video.

Robin is chasing her dreams in education by instilling creativity and inquiry in her students. We reached out to her to learn how she’s following her passions.

Hi Robin! Tell us about yourself.

I am a library media specialist, which allows me to work within an educational space of possibility. Capacity-building in students and teachers is some of the most exciting work in education. I’m finding my way in helping colleagues get comfortable with technology through leading training sessions with them. I love this aspect of my work.

Where do you find inspiration?

Everywhere. In the sullen expression of a student who is surviving the day. In the books that have saved me.

I find inspiration in the quest to design and build and create that pulses through every single one of us no matter how much we forget that making is at our human cores.

Helping kids do “real” things in school inspires me because it’s a challenge. I love seeing what humans are trying to do with technology. My colleagues also challenge me to keep improving my practice as an educator.

What are you currently doing with technology and what are your main tech toys?

I’m working to create an innovation and design studio in our library media center to incubate student-directed projects. We are hoping to include technology like students are unfamiliar with: Arduino, Raspberry Pi, 3D printer, a drone, robotics materials, circuitry kits and augmented reality supports. I believe we can offer new and different tools to build capacity in human beings’ lives. I’m exploring computational thinking in spare moments and wondering about how I can support students in this capacity.

What are your goals in life?

I want to contribute to capacity-building in our community’s school library and continue to advocate for culture shifts in our schools away from outmoded practices to places of true possibility. I want to take apart something important and complicated and put it back together so it works with my son, but I want him to decide what item we should use for this adventure.

What drives you to pursue your goals and what are you currently doing to reach them?

The very fact that I am here on this magical planet with this chance at a life drives me to pursue goals. Teaching myself how to do things helps me stay true to my goals at impacting the learning environments I work in. Being a parent and knowing another human being is learning more from my actions than my words keeps me moving. Sometimes stepping away from the idea of goal-based living helps me return to goals with renewed energy and commitment. Listening to others’ stories never fails to pull me back to my goals.

How do you think technology will change education in the future?

My hope is that we can be vigilant enough to discern technology that transforms the human experience from that which boxes us in. I think technology will continue to inspire improvements in the human condition and become more accessible to younger students. I hope that education will shift from compliance schooling to focusing on helping kids learn to learn.

Where can people follow you or learn more about what you do?

Twitter: @robinhosemann
Voxer: rhosemann
Google+: +RobinHosemann
Instagram: rhosemann

