HubrisOne — Instant Exchange

Giedrius B
2 min readFeb 7, 2019


It’s nothing new, the newness the world of cryptocurrency has brought to the business sphere or to the world at-large. The functionality of cryptocurrency and the flexibility of its use is not questionable and that has been shown by the mass adoption of its use, even by federal government authority of different countries.

But the challenges still arise of how new investor or new citizen wanting to enjoy and experience this new game changing platform gets to convert their currency into cryptocurrency from the hard currency and those wanting to convert their cryptocurrency back to currency.

This has led to lots of brainstorming and development of idea that has now manifested, starting from its inception in 2017 and now the solution is here.

I present to you the HubrisOne solution.

Now new investor can convert their cash to cryptocurrency of their choice with just few simple clicks: easy, simple and very secure way with smartphone and internet.

You don’t need to go to banks to transfer money and be paying charges or the traditional exchange of cryptocurrency that charge you. Here, it’s a free platform that connects seller of hard currency and HurbisOne of such currency.

You simply download HurbisOne app and when you need to convert money to cryptocurrency or cryptocurrency to money, you simply make your order on the platform with the security of both the seller and buyer and no fraud. HubrisOne now offers you to download their app and complete the signup so you will automatically receive 1,000 HBRS ($20) tokens in your wallet.

What are you waiting for, let HubrisOne convert those loose changes to cryptocurrency and convert the cryptocurrency to money and get all business going.

HubrisOne is a technology par excellence. You make the intention to buy or sell. Known and you are linked with interested business partner, without leaking your identity or data.

Now you can convert any currency to any cryptocurrency instantly with HurbisOne.

Time to invest your money.

For more. Details.. Check

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