Why Can’t FNC Rookie James Locke Just Take a Hint?

2 min readJan 18, 2015

By Less Bevin

Here at Dealcrusher, we love the trainwreckery that is the annual Financial Correspondents Association’s Follies gala. This year’s award for best sideshow goes to Financial News Channel rookie and confirmed Bourbon lightweight, James Locke. Locke, who attended the evening’s festivities with his occasional Power Breakfast co-anchor, Emily Harris spent a solid 20 minutes awkwardly chatting up TransGlobal Financial’s impossibly lantern-jawed wunderkind, Scott Angelus at the rooftop bar.

According to our spy who snapped the painful exchange as it unfolded, Locke was “very over-served” and seemed to be “throwing himself [at Angelus] like it was the first night of spring break.”

We’ve always pegged Angelus as robotic on a good day, but judging by those chiseled smirks, even the ‘Prince of Wall Street’ appreciates a good WTF moment when it’s served on a silver platter. Perhaps Locke, who is rumored to be engaged to his longtime lawyer boyfriend checked his journalist instincts at the door?

“I don’t think James even knew what he was saying or who he was hitting on,” said one observer. “Let’s just say he was either unaware or unfazed by how loudly he was barking up the wrong tree. It was pretty embarrassing.”

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