Spiral Crystals UK
2 min readOct 27, 2022


You will always get a reflection in life of who you are being. Success depends on the little things that you do each day rather than a few big decisions as everything that you do regularly, builds momentum over time and becomes part of who you are.

Its important to take on successful habits as eventually your habits become part of your self image. If you want to have better health or have a successful business, you have to see it as part of your identity as we always stay consistent with who we think we are.

The first step to creating good habits is to be aware of where you want to be and where you are now in relation to that. Maybe there are habits that you have which are keeping you stuck where you are, such as watching too much TV, limiting beliefs about yourself or eating too much junk food. Your environment could also be holding you back, especially if it is cluttered or if you are around people who will reinforce your old behaviours.

Maxwell Maltz writes in his book Psycho-Cybernetics that instead of forcing yourself to change bad habits, its easier to visualise a clear image of the way that you want to be and see yourself as that person eg see yourself as someone that eats healthily and make that part of your self image and you will automatically stop eating junk food.

What are the little things that you could do every day that could get you where you want to be?

You could make a list of habits that you want to take up, they don’t have to be big things, you could just start with something small that will generally improve your life, such as listening to music in the morning that will put you in a good mood for the rest of the day, meditating before you go to sleep or taking exercise before work every morning.

READ MORE: https://www.spiralcrystals.com/6-crystals-for-successful-habits/



Spiral Crystals UK

Spiral Crystals is s website based in the Scottish countryside selling ethically sourced crystals cleansed + charged in nature.