30 Days Writing Challenge : Day 22 : Writing Stories

4 min readDec 3, 2021


Well, I wrote “Broken Alarm”a little story about self development.

And hell, that felt gooooood !

I started it a Saturday morning. First Episode went out in less than 10 minutes, in my Piano classroom, waiting for my first 6 yo student.

Then for 6 days it went on and on and on…

I strongly believe in stories to bring sense to people, but even more, in its power to move you, to convey abstract precious things that are beyond words.

Yes with words, we can go… beyond words.

Abstract feelings, spiritual treasures can be brought with words. What you feel you can put it into words, organised with strange alchemy, with a precise rhythm.

I know that very few people are going to read 6 episodes of a little story about anxiety. Even I wouldn’t probably do it, i must confess…

So why did I do It ? For myself only ? Like a bottle with a message to the sea ?

Well, don’t really know… It was a spontaneous thing I did in fact. But here are important things :

  • Need : That’s right I’m a writer (I’m half time music and theater teacher/ Half time screenwriter) so I have to write. I already do it everyday, but I had to share something anonymously. Many of my stories stays in the drawers. So I had to make one about my actual concerns, put my emotions into it and give it.
  • Anonymous : Maybe I’ll do a whole post about it one day. But one of the most important things about this blog is that it’s anonymous. Because when you have a name, when people know you, it’s like you’re trapped into you own ego. To grow spiritually, you have to be free of this ego. You have to break the mental barriers. And for me, the best thing to do though is to be anonymous. Not wearing the familial, the professional, the social mask. One of the goals of this blog is to remove all those masks and see what’s behind. I don’t think if I told you If I was non binary, woman or man, how old I am (If I betrayed myself, you tell me :-D)… because I want here, to remove these labels. That’s why I write in English too : not my native language so I can put myself in another pattern that the one I’m used to. You’ll notice too that Broken Alarm’s characters are undefined : main character is “YOU” and the others don’t have any specific genre. You choose.
  • Experimenting : So, free of these labels I have to improvise, test many things, go in many ways… That’s how many spiritual masters grew spiritually. Testing a thing, another, and then another… Until they say “Oh… but… but… this works !!!”. So I’m here to try many thinks and things, far away from my comfort zone.
  • Bringing value to others : Yes, as a lot of blogs are about the value THEY bring to YOU (“How YOU can get MILLIONS OF DOLLARS A DAY with CRAPBOOKING !! Click here ! Click here !!” Joke aside, when It’s good, I have huge respect for this kind of blogs ;-)) I talk A LOT about myself… Particularly in this post. So am i a self centric person ? “ahah she/he talks about removing the ego and only talk about him/her self” ! Noupe, I just think that talking about thyself is one the best way to bring value to people. I’m the scientist and the subject. More than a bucket list of things to do, I’m searching authenticity, to touch people deeply. I’m already happy to do that for myself, but if anything in one of my posts, stories, touches you, don’t hesitate to comment it, I’ll be the happiest person on earth :-)
  • Don’t wait : Perfectionism leads to procrastination : “No, i’m not ready yet…” “You’r not a specialist about anything, so many people are better than you…”. Well nobody is you, so don’t wait, throw yourself in the crowd and see what happens. You’ll discover your own inner richness, you’ll see you’re gold to others ; just have to dig a little and remove the clay.
  • Improvising : I believe in improvisation (that’s what I teach in theater classes). That’s why the whole “Broken Alarm story” have been completely improvised. I tried not to reread it (just quickly to remove mistakes) to keep it fresh. Like that it was directly connected to my heart, I was in the present, concentrated. It certainly have many flaws. But I’m currently training myself to authenticity, as I said… and authenticity has flaws.

Here’s the kind of freedom I search while writing my stories, and the kind of insights I wanna bring to you.

Writing “Broken alarm” made me feel so good, refreshed… Don’t know yet if it has any value for you, but I’ve put my guts and heart in it, and had a lot of fun.

You know, being a screenwriter is a beautiful job ; but you’re rarely free. You have to satisfy the producers, the streamers, a chosen piece of audience (“well, we’re searching programs for the 15- 25 yo… so you have to remove your main characters, change the theme, the story, all the dialogues and… we can’t shoot in Groenland, so, let’s rewrite it in the center of Brooklyn”).

Working on command is great in a way. It pushes you to be efficient and see what’s essential in your project. It gives you great experience.

But sometimes, you just have to write what you want to write, when you want to write it… and that’s what I do there.

See you tomorrow, and until then have a great day, being the kinder (but not the chocolate egg) version of yourself :-)




French writer/ musician/ teacher making life experiments.