Benefits of Selling Diabetic Test Strips

Spiva Fahru
2 min readNov 9, 2017


Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death across the globe. It has caught the attention of many health organizations and efforts are underway to prevent its spread as well as find an ultimate solution to this deadly disease. The test strip is a very essential element used by diabetic patients used to monitor the sugar level in the blood. In as much as they are not as accurate as the blood glucose meter, they are relatively cheaper and still necessary for the chronic patients. The disease has brought suffering to many people all over the world and that is why people are always encouraged to sell their strips if necessary.

Selling the strips might be a kind gesture of helping the diabetic patients as well as clearing the stock in your house. They generally last for three to six months and instead of letting them expire in your house you can decide to sell them. The reasons for having excess number of boxes of these strips vary from one patient to another while many basically sell because they do not need to check their sugar level on daily basis. There are some people who also change their health insurance as time goes by and hence a new set of strips are provided. As luck would have it, diabetes may not last for long in some patients. The expectant mothers in particular have reported cases of gestational diabetes that clears up after delivery of the baby or the health issue tend to improve after a while. However, always check the expiry date before selling the strips as it is illegal to sell expired products since you may worsen a person’s health condition. Get cash for test strips here!

Well, clearing the stock may be one of the advantages but you will also be making money at the same time. The demand for this strips but the cost for them in stores is also relatively high and hence selling your diabetes meters for affordable price will attract the attention of the buyers. In addition, there are also some emerging firms who seek out sellers from various parts and buy from them reducing the tussle in looking for market. The firms mainly operate online but are trusted and have the relevant accreditation needed for business. In conclusion, keep in mind that it’s not illegal to sell your test strips as they are over the counter type of drugs, however, there are some exceptions such as when they are provided by the government, visit website here!

