Special Considerations of Sports Massage

2 min readJun 30, 2016


Sports Massage Birmingham

Sports massage is a special category of massage that is built to help sports players inside their performance and endurance. Additionally, it intends to increase the entire client’s sports career, a consideration that isn’t present in normal massage. Additionally, this kind of massage is less focused on relaxing the customer, particularly for pregame massages.


You can find four main times to give sports massage: pre-event, that takes place shortly before a sports game and is directed at preparing the athlete’s muscles for exertion; post-event, that can take place following the game and normalizes the athlete’s muscle tissue; restorative, that is administered during training to produce that training effective while decreasing the risk of injury, and finally rehabilitative, which helps the athlete get over a personal injury. Each deployment of sports massage features its own procedure as dictated through the kind of massage.


While most of massage is dependant on the entire body, sports massage is more prone to concentrate on just one single pair of muscles. This is because different athletes uses one muscle even more than the remainder, and thus they may be vulnerable to injury for the reason that group much more than inside the others. Targeting is especially important during rehabilitative massage, where the massage can be used to help recovery of an injury.

Knowledge is Power

Every sport requires its set of unnatural body movements. Within each sport, every position features a different set of responsibilities and, therefore, different requirements for body. Because of this, a sports therapist has to be knowledgeable in the demands a player is going to be placing on the muscles, because that determines the type of massage they want. A catcher has very different needs from your pitcher, but at the highest levels, both will probably be placing a large amount of force on their muscles and both need special attention.


While there are a variety of disciplines within massage generally, sports massage draws on a special mixture of techniques from just two traditions: Shiatsu and Swedish. The techniques are divided into five types: effleurage, petrissage, frictions, percussions, and vibrations. Each has its very own invest a sports massage session, but in general, effleurage begins and ends a session, petrissage relaxes and loosens muscles, and frictions correct muscle grain and scar tissue, while percussion and vibration vary with the kind of the masseuse.

Sports Massage Sutton Coldfield

